
Sunday, June 30, 2013

"Sils Maria" Synopsis and More @rkremain

A fan account on Twitter, called @SilsMariaMovie, recovered a full synopsis of Kristen's movie of the same name. Read below:

Runtime: 1 hour 50 minutes
Original version: English
Aspect Ratio: 2.35
Filming locations: Germany (Leipzig & Berlin) - Switzerland (Sils Maria)


At eighteen, Maria Enders was successful in theatre with MalojaSnak, she played Sigird, an ambitious young girl with disorder charm who fascinated and led to suicide of Helena, a mature woman.
This role has changed her life.
More than twenty years have passed when, at the peak of her fame, she was asked to receive a prestigious award in Zurich, on behalf of Wilhelm Melchior, the author and director to which she owes her early recognition, and who now lives as a recluse, in Switzerland, at Sils Maria.

But the sudden death of the latter, a few hours before the ceremony, puts Maria Enders against the vertigo of time, that is of a past which she hasn't got away with. And even more when a young director in vogue asks her to play again in MalojaSnake, but this time on the other side of the story, Helena's, on the destruction of who she's built her notoriety.
Caught in the turmoil of a divorce which deprives her of any sentimental support, her only interlocutor is her assistant, Valentine, both the multi task woman and her only friend, even if Maria and Valentine are trying to remove ambiguities of this intimate and exclusive relationship.
But the real threat is rather Jo-Ann Ellis, a very young Hollywood actress with a scandalous reputation and who'll play Sigrid, at once a rival and a disturbing mirror of her youth, which she will have no choice but to deal with.
In order to reconcile with time, with age, with maturity, ending by learning that at all seasons of a life you must conquer freedom, independence and also the strength to be yourself, and sometimes painfully.


MARIA ENDERS / Juliette Binoche
A recognized actress, on both screen and stage. She's on top of an international career. But destabilized by her divorce, she's conscious of being at a crossroads in her life.
At twenty, she performed Sigrid in the famous piece of theater of Wilhelm Melchior, « Maloja Snake ». She led to suicide of a mature woman, Helena. Now, Klaus Diesterweg asks her to play again in the piece of theater, to play Helena.

VALENTINE / Kristen Stewart
25, assistant to Maria Enders. More than an assistant : her friend, her confidante. Both near and far. Also like Maria, she is very alone.

Read more here:



Today, June 30, marks the third anniversary of the premiere of the third movie in the Twilight Saga, Eclipse. 
Here are a few pictures from the LA premiere!

Happy Eclipse Day! 
Also, there is a watch-along today at 8 PM EST on twitter, so set up your DVDs, use the hashtag #EclipseWatchAlong, and share your favorite memories! 

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Picture Quote: Rob Pattinson

“In love though, if you really love someone…it’s rare, but it can happen…well, if it’s true love, I think that no matter what, it’ll never go away.” -Robert Pattinson


Friday, June 28, 2013

Kristen to Judge at All American High School Film Festival

Kristen is going to show her judging chops in a film festival on October 4-6, in New York City.

June 28, 2013JUST IN: Kristen Stewart of Twilight will join Morgan Spurlock, Diablo Cody & Dylan McDermott as a judge for #hsfilmfest this Oct in #NYC
 A panel of judges, comprised of industry professionals, will determine the winner of each category. All winning filmmakers will be flown to New York City to see their film screened in front of a live audience.
 This is so cool; it will be interesting to see her critique aspiring actors, actresses, and directors on their performances.

If you want to know more about the festival, read more here:


Paramore Live in Sweden 2013- Bravalla Festival posted: 

On 27th June Paramore performed live in Sweden. Previously, the band was announced to play at Love & Peace Festival but as financial problems forced festival’s representatives to shoot down the event, Paramore found another way to play for their Swedish fans. The band took the Green Stage at Bråvalla Festival in Norrköping and played 13-songs including ‘Now,’ ‘Renegade,’ ‘Still Into You’ and ‘Ain’t It Fun.’ 
So that's why we haven't seen the band playing shows for a while, because their last show got cancelled. But I'm glad they were back, playing shows again. 

Check out more about their time in Sweden here:

Picture Quote: Kristen Stewart

"I never know what I’m going to wear until five minutes before I go somewhere… I guess I know what I’m comfortable in. I don’t know how to describe that, I mean you either put it on and go ‘no way’ or ‘OK, let’s go’."

Thursday, June 27, 2013

"The Rover" Gets a Distributor: A24

Good news! Rob's movie "The Rover" got picked up by A24!

The Wrap writes:

A24 has acquired U.S. distribution rights to David Michôd’s slow-burn thriller "The Rover," which stars Guy Pearce, Robert Pattinson and Scoot McNairy.
Michôd's script is based on a story he conceived with his "Animal Kingdom" star Joel Edgerton. The director also produced the film with Liz Watts of Porchlight Film and David Linde of Lava Bear Films.
This is great! Congrats to "The Rover"! 

Picture Quote: Jeremy Davis @schzimmydeanie

“Music will always be there for you everyday and there’s a song for everybody.”
Jeremy Davis

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

James Woods Mentions Kristen

On Kristen Stewart and Eventually Directing:
“I was set to do ‘An American Girl’ with Kristen Stewart and then this happened. Now we’re just working out an agreement on the rights. It’s still something she very much wants to do. I’m hoping she’ll do that. It’s torturous getting things made. For example, that movie, because it’s a post-Middle East war film, and it’s about it happening, it works better when the ‘war is over’ than it does during it. No one has ever done a movie about a woman marine. Which is why I want to do it.
She’s perfect for it. She was 18 when we first talked about it. She has a natural — and I mean this as a compliment — American, hometown, tough blue collar girl thing she can deliver. I was thinking of ‘Into the Wild.’ She’s been in these big blockbuster movies, but I love her in small movies where she gets to explore character. I would believe her as a young woman marine. I’ve spent a lot of time around military people. One of the things I was worried about is that she became so beautiful. ‘Stop being so beautiful!’ She grew into this raging beauty. But she can still play a real person.”

NEW Paramore Interview with Metro XPress

How is it to be back in Denmark?
Hayley: We love it.
Taylor: Scandinavia is one of our favorite places in the world. Especially Copenhagen. It’s mood, its style, its beautiful buildings and then here’s so peaceful. It is one of the places where I feel safe when I walk on the street.
When do you guys arrive to Denmark?
Hayley: Yesterday.
What have you done so far?
Jeremy: We just walked around. We were up in a church where you go on the outside of the Tower. Insanely beuatiful view.
Okay, let’s play a game. Complete the sentence: We are Paramore, we love to …
Taylor: Eating and watching movies.
Jeremy: And partying.
We used to be …
Hayley: A bunch of chumps. But now we …
Taylor: Still some chumps, hahaha. OMG this is funny!
Our record label called our new album more ‘happy and optimistic’. We’ll just say it’s …
Hayley: I would actually say it is.
Taylor: I would say that it is the first time we are happy.
The best thing about our new album is …
Taylor: That it is more electric. It shows so many sides of us.
Reporters always ask ….
Jeremy: For Hayley’s natural hair color.
Hayley: Yes!
But we would rather …
Hayley: Talk about music!
The best thing about being in Paramore is …
Hayley: It is hard to describe.
Taylor: That we are allowed to travel around the world and meet our fans. We stood and looked out for our fans today. They sang new songs and we talked about how strange it was, because I could clearly remember when I wrote them down on paper. Then it’s also pretty cool to be in a band with my two best friends...

Kristen At #4 on @Forbes' Celebrity 100 Most Powerful Actress List

Congrats to Kristen for ranking at number four on Forbes' Most Powerful Actresses List, and at number 70 on the Top 100 List.

Kristen Stewart With the Twilight money still rolling in (for now), Stewart makes her fourth appearance on the Celebrity 100 list after topping our list of Hollywood's Highest-Paid Actresses last year. This is likely to be Stewart's last Celebrity 100 list for a while though. While she helped make Snow White and the Huntsman a hit, a sequel is still a ways off and the actress doesn't seem terribly interested in doing more big-budget movies.
 I don't think it'll be that long before she's up on this list again; never say never! Congrats, again, Kristen!


NEW Rob pic with the Cast and Crew of "The Rover" @RPLife

Find Rob in the new picture of Rob with the cast and crew of his movie "The Rover"!


NEW Paramore Interview with @rockfreaksnet

Paramore were interviewed by this morning, while in Copenhagen. The interviewer, Tim Larsen, wanted to ask questions that weren't already asked by other news stations. He also didn't want to come across as "the enemy", as a few have. But he did a good job with the band!

Read below:

or listen to the Soundcloud here:


Picture Quote of the Day: Taylor York @itstayloryall

"Everything will work out! There's a purpose for everything, good or bad."-Taylor York


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Kristen Releases Heartfelt Statement on James Gandolfini's Death


Kristen released a touching statement about her "Welcome to the Riley's" co-star and friend James Gandolfini, who passed away of a heart attack last week. Here's her statement to EW:

"Stewart has been silent since Gandolfini’s unexpected death last week from a heart attack at age 51, but with his funeral set for Thursday in New York, she is opening up about the loss of a friend and colleague:“When I heard of James’ passing I was in New Orleans, where we met shooting, and every memory flooded back and gutted me,” she tells EW in a statement. “I’ll hold that time near to me forever. He was immeasurably great. My heart goes out to his beloved family.


Paramore's official video for "Anklebiters" has arrived!!!!!! So exciting! And doesn't make a lot of sense, but I don't think its supposed to???? You figure it out and tell me in the comments!

Click on the photo to see the video!

Monday, June 24, 2013

#Paraoke Submissions Now Closed / @terabrite Cover Paramore's "Still Into You"

All submissions for Paramore's "Still Into You" karaoke contest are now closed. Check out all 800 submissions here:

And, check out YouTube band TeraBrite's submission here! It's really good, and they are one of my favorite submissions!
Follow them here: @TeraBrite

Picture Quote of the Day: Jeremy Davis @schzimmydeanie

"There's so many people in the music industry or even in general who will tell you that you can't do this osr that just because you haven't already had success but I feel like anyone can do anything they put their mind to as long as they stay devoted and stay passionate."- Jeremy Davis

Source Source 

Thought Post

For the past few days, this RK fandom has been nothing but confusing and topsy-turvy! I was reading Tempest's newest post this morning, and she had made some incredibly valid points about what is going on within this fandom. Again, these are Tempest's words, not mine:

"The split that may or may not have happened, the timing of such a split. The rumours surrounding the reason of the split, the truck full of garbage bags hastily tied together, two bikes, one male and one female and let's not forget the flung to the side suitcase and the two dogs. Then the Kristen out on her own, Rob out on his own. Malibu together or apart - Katy Perry sticking her friendly nose in, sightings and more sightings and fans...the lovely, passionate fans, who are looking at one and other in dismay, because no one is telling them a thing. OH, yes the media is telling us everything, right down to an actual transcribe of the 'phone call break up' the break down of a relationship (throwing good old July 2012 just for shits and giggles) and basically Kristen's so called meltdown, ending with a 'tattoo' on her road trip to get away from it all, to solidify her new found freedom with an inking to 'mark the occasion'"

So now that we're all caught up, I can continue.
Why do you think you know what to do and how to tell Rob and Kristen how to run their lives? You're not the ones living this lifestyle, they are. So if Kristen decided to get a tattoo with her friends, then that's great. Fine. She is a grown woman, she can do whatever she desires to do. And if you choose to get the same tattoo as her, then her most memorable quote "it's ok to be YOU" would have no purpose. None! She's telling us it's all right to be who YOU want to be, not copy someone else. 
Same with Rob; if he wants to throw a birthday party for his manager, that's his business. Not yours. 

I tweeted this 2 days ago, and I'll say it again: We are called FANS, A Fandom, for a reason. We're not RK's mom, dad, brothers/sisters, anything! So shut up!! 

We are only supposed to support them in what they do in their professional careers, not in their personal lives. Sure, you can have an opinion on it, but does it really matter? It doesn't. They will still do whatever it is that THEY want to. 

And if you think that by listening to these "insiders" who know the ordeal of their relationship, and how their opinions of them looking "thin and haggard" mean anything important, you're wrong. Those "insiders" know just as much as we do, even less now. 

Rob isn't talking.

Kristen isn't talking.

Their reps aren't talking.

NO ONE RELIABLE is talking.

So instead of believing what other irrelevant people's opinions are, just wait it out. The truth will come out eventually. 

Ok I'm done now! Back to our regular scheduled programming! 
Peace! Happy Sunday!

Picture Quote of the Day: Taylor York @itstayloryall

[About Paramore] "I think as a band we've just learned how to really accept each other and embrace each others differences. I know we talk about that a lot, but it feels like we're finally starting to get the hang of it, and it's so exciting! We're better friends than ever before. There's more joy, love and hope than we've had in years!"- Taylor York


Saturday, June 22, 2013

New Pic of Rob from Dior #DiorRob

Here's a new screencap from Rob's Dior commercial:

And here's a teaser of the commercial (SQUEAL):


Picture Quote of the Day: Hayley Williams @yelyahwilliams

"I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't do drugs, I don't need to party because it's never really tempted me."


Friday, June 21, 2013

New Paramore Interview with Ocko News

A new interview with the band while they're in Prague, as well as a report from the concert in Lucerna, Prague.


Picture Quote of the Day: Rob Pattinson

People don't find the personal lives of people with much, much more power than any celebrity would have - don't find their personal lives interesting.

PARAMORE #ANKLEBITERS video Is Out On Tuesday 6/25

Paramore just announced that they have a new video coming out on Tuesday, and it's "Anklebiters". It's not the next single off of their album, but there's a video coming! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

It's not the next single, but this song has become an important one for the band since they started their Spring tour.

Hayley's tweet:

Here's a snippet of the video:

Thursday, June 20, 2013

New #DiorRob Picture

YESSS Robert! (And I never call him Robert, so this is serious!)
Look at all that glory! ;)


Vote for Paramore at the 2013 Billboard Mid-Year Music Awards

View image on Twitter

This is interesting; a mid-year music awards! Billboard is hosting their own Mid-year awards for the most popular hits of 2013, so far. Paramore are nominated for "Fav. No. 1 Billboard 200 Album". You can write in their names and album for the Other sections, too.

Vote here:


Picture Quote of the Day: Kristen Stewart

This has to be my favorite Kristen quote of all time:

”It’s okay,’ you know? It’s okay to be you. It’s okay to just not be okay. It’s okay to not be okay.”


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

#RIPJamesGandolfini @rkremain

Sad news: James Gandolfini, who played "father" figure to Kristen in 2010's "Welcome to the Riley's" passed away today in Italy, of a heart attack. I really didn't know him that well, but from what I'm hearing about him from the news. His most famous works included:  Tony Soprano in HBO's "The Sopranos", and "God of Carnage".

In 2012, he wrote such a lovely piece on Variety about Kristen's performance in "On the Road":

Embedded image permalink
Kristen Stewart is one of the mad ones. But mad in a beautiful way. And she is determined to make people mad. To show them she is more than Bella in “Twilight.” To show them she does burn, and smolder, and wants more out of her career and life. And smolder she does. 

As soon as she steps into the movie “On the Road,” you can’t take your eyes off her. As Marylou, whenever she fixes her gaze, you see someone who will go as far as she can, and do it as mad as she can, to live and feel alive. And it is sexy and scary and reckless and smart. She can play all of these things. She has them at her fingertips. She is just beginning. She is fearless. And that can be that good, and that can be very bad. But she is smart enough to handle it. 

Such a kind, loving man. We'll miss you dearly, James! May you rest in peace. 


Paramore to Play at ITunes Festival 2013

Paramore will be playing this year's iTunes festival on September 4th! UK fans can get free tickets. Everyone else can stream the show live to their desktop, iPhone or iPad. Get all the information at
 More happy news for my favorite band! :) I'll be watching. Who else is excited? Comment below!


Picture Quote of the Day: Jeremy Davis @schzimmydeanie

"We don't think it's cool to be famous, and we don't feel like we're famous. We just love playing music."

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Paramore Tour Update: Budapest, Hungary

 From @theparamoreband: On 17th June, for the first time ever, Paramore performed live in Budapest, Hungary. The band played at the 2013 Budapest Park and was supported by Dutch Uncles. Just after a show, Hayley Williams posted a message saying that despide it was their first show in Hungary “the crowd went off!” The show was opened with “Moving On” and closed with “Brick By Boring Brick.”

More Here: