
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

#RIPJamesGandolfini @rkremain

Sad news: James Gandolfini, who played "father" figure to Kristen in 2010's "Welcome to the Riley's" passed away today in Italy, of a heart attack. I really didn't know him that well, but from what I'm hearing about him from the news. His most famous works included:  Tony Soprano in HBO's "The Sopranos", and "God of Carnage".

In 2012, he wrote such a lovely piece on Variety about Kristen's performance in "On the Road":

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Kristen Stewart is one of the mad ones. But mad in a beautiful way. And she is determined to make people mad. To show them she is more than Bella in “Twilight.” To show them she does burn, and smolder, and wants more out of her career and life. And smolder she does. 

As soon as she steps into the movie “On the Road,” you can’t take your eyes off her. As Marylou, whenever she fixes her gaze, you see someone who will go as far as she can, and do it as mad as she can, to live and feel alive. And it is sexy and scary and reckless and smart. She can play all of these things. She has them at her fingertips. She is just beginning. She is fearless. And that can be that good, and that can be very bad. But she is smart enough to handle it. 

Such a kind, loving man. We'll miss you dearly, James! May you rest in peace. 


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