
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

NEW Paramore Interview with Metro XPress

How is it to be back in Denmark?
Hayley: We love it.
Taylor: Scandinavia is one of our favorite places in the world. Especially Copenhagen. It’s mood, its style, its beautiful buildings and then here’s so peaceful. It is one of the places where I feel safe when I walk on the street.
When do you guys arrive to Denmark?
Hayley: Yesterday.
What have you done so far?
Jeremy: We just walked around. We were up in a church where you go on the outside of the Tower. Insanely beuatiful view.
Okay, let’s play a game. Complete the sentence: We are Paramore, we love to …
Taylor: Eating and watching movies.
Jeremy: And partying.
We used to be …
Hayley: A bunch of chumps. But now we …
Taylor: Still some chumps, hahaha. OMG this is funny!
Our record label called our new album more ‘happy and optimistic’. We’ll just say it’s …
Hayley: I would actually say it is.
Taylor: I would say that it is the first time we are happy.
The best thing about our new album is …
Taylor: That it is more electric. It shows so many sides of us.
Reporters always ask ….
Jeremy: For Hayley’s natural hair color.
Hayley: Yes!
But we would rather …
Hayley: Talk about music!
The best thing about being in Paramore is …
Hayley: It is hard to describe.
Taylor: That we are allowed to travel around the world and meet our fans. We stood and looked out for our fans today. They sang new songs and we talked about how strange it was, because I could clearly remember when I wrote them down on paper. Then it’s also pretty cool to be in a band with my two best friends...

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