
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Thought Post

For the past few days, this RK fandom has been nothing but confusing and topsy-turvy! I was reading Tempest's newest post this morning, and she had made some incredibly valid points about what is going on within this fandom. Again, these are Tempest's words, not mine:

"The split that may or may not have happened, the timing of such a split. The rumours surrounding the reason of the split, the truck full of garbage bags hastily tied together, two bikes, one male and one female and let's not forget the flung to the side suitcase and the two dogs. Then the Kristen out on her own, Rob out on his own. Malibu together or apart - Katy Perry sticking her friendly nose in, sightings and more sightings and fans...the lovely, passionate fans, who are looking at one and other in dismay, because no one is telling them a thing. OH, yes the media is telling us everything, right down to an actual transcribe of the 'phone call break up' the break down of a relationship (throwing good old July 2012 just for shits and giggles) and basically Kristen's so called meltdown, ending with a 'tattoo' on her road trip to get away from it all, to solidify her new found freedom with an inking to 'mark the occasion'"

So now that we're all caught up, I can continue.
Why do you think you know what to do and how to tell Rob and Kristen how to run their lives? You're not the ones living this lifestyle, they are. So if Kristen decided to get a tattoo with her friends, then that's great. Fine. She is a grown woman, she can do whatever she desires to do. And if you choose to get the same tattoo as her, then her most memorable quote "it's ok to be YOU" would have no purpose. None! She's telling us it's all right to be who YOU want to be, not copy someone else. 
Same with Rob; if he wants to throw a birthday party for his manager, that's his business. Not yours. 

I tweeted this 2 days ago, and I'll say it again: We are called FANS, A Fandom, for a reason. We're not RK's mom, dad, brothers/sisters, anything! So shut up!! 

We are only supposed to support them in what they do in their professional careers, not in their personal lives. Sure, you can have an opinion on it, but does it really matter? It doesn't. They will still do whatever it is that THEY want to. 

And if you think that by listening to these "insiders" who know the ordeal of their relationship, and how their opinions of them looking "thin and haggard" mean anything important, you're wrong. Those "insiders" know just as much as we do, even less now. 

Rob isn't talking.

Kristen isn't talking.

Their reps aren't talking.

NO ONE RELIABLE is talking.

So instead of believing what other irrelevant people's opinions are, just wait it out. The truth will come out eventually. 

Ok I'm done now! Back to our regular scheduled programming! 
Peace! Happy Sunday!

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