
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Hi There!

This is just an intro blog to tell you who I am, so you all can get to know me.

I love books, reading, and writing fantasy romance.

My favorite books are Harry Potter, Twilight, The Hunger Games, and The Mortal Instruments. I'm now reading Divergent by Veronica Roth, and it's really good!

My favorite actor and actress are Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. I just think those two are so talented and dedicated to their work, and they don't pay any mind to what anyone says of their relationship. I really admire the both of them.

My favorite rock band is Paramore: singer Hayley Williams, bassist Jeremy Davis, and guitarist Taylor York. I have been a huge fan of them since 2007, and will always be a fan!

My blog topics will vary between Twilight/Rob and Kristen and Paramore, depending on which topic overtakes a certain day.

So, I guess that's it for now! Till my next post!

Thanks for reading! :)

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