
Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Yesterday we found out some incredible news: Snow White & the Huntsman sequel is a go!!
With the first movie's success,
I didn't expect to be a sequel
Then IT happened! -.-
Don't want to bring up the past, but when the scandal happened, people thought it would be over
Kristen wouldn't work again.
Rob wouldn't work again.
The world would crumble.
But no!  Rob and Kristen came out on top, showing that forgiveness and love conquers anything.  Together!
And they still have jobs and movies
But swath is all the way out in 2015!
2 yrs!
But I can wait!
Pitch Perfect is supposed to have a sequel in 2015, so that'll be interesting.
I still have yet to see the first one.

And in all of this happiness there are still crazy ones out there who want RK married and pregnant by then.

I love Rob and Kristen. I do! But it's not up to you or me to decide whether or not to get married and have a kid.
It's theirs!
And so what if he is pushing 30!
Plenty of men have kids later than that!
Also, if you keep saying they'll get married/pregnant, the tabloids will pick it up and make ridiculous posts out of it!
And we all know how much we hate that stuff.
So stop and let RK enjoy being young and happy and in love and successful!
That's all I want anyway!

And for those who don't want a SWATH sequel:
No ones making you watch it.
No one is dragging you to the theater for 2 hrs to see it.
Even if Kristen is in it.
I actually want to know how SW is going to conquer a kingdom at such a young age.
I actually want to know who she chooses, the Huntsman or Prince William.
If Kristen wants it to happen, she will make it happen.
See it, don't see it. Whatever. I'm seeing it! :)
Who are your choices for director, by any chance? Besides the pig!

Also, for those who have a problem with the new smoking pictures of Kristen:
We are not Ks friends, parents, or bf.
We are her FANS!
I personally don't like smoking. I find it nasty and gross. But I won't say I hate her because its none of my damn business.
We should only care about her movies and career. That's it!
And if it were affecting her career, she would be off the wall. And her parents and closest friends would be worried. But they're not.
K is an adult.
She can handle herself. Leave her alone!
All I care about is Kristen and Rob's happiness.
And you should too.

Paramore news up next!

Thanks for reading! :)

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