
Saturday, October 8, 2016

BILLY LYNN's LONG HALFTIME WALK Cast to Appear on AOL Build on October 14

ANG LEE, STEVE MARTIN, KRISTEN STEWART, CHRIS TUCKER, & JOE ALWYN will appear on AOL BUILD for Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk on October 14. 

10.00am PT/ 6.00pm UK/ 7.00pm CET/ 4.00am AEST

The cast of “Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk,” Kristen Stewart, Joe Alwyn, Steve Martin, Chris Tucker and director Ang Lee, are coming to discuss the film about a 19-year-old private who becomes a hero after a battle in Iraq and is brought home from war to go on a victory tour. As the movie unfolds, we learn what really happened to the private and his squad. For the first time in filmmaking, the movie, based on the novel by Ben Fountain, was shot at an ultra high frame rate, which helps heighten the dramatic effect and creates an immersive digital experience. The film is in theaters on November 11.

The interview's at AOL Build are usually streamed live on their site --- link. 

Thanks to: teamkristensite for the info!

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