
Sunday, July 17, 2016

PODCAST INTERVIEW WITH WSJ: Kristen Stewart Chats Auditioning for CAFE SOCIETY

Kristen Stewart chats Cafe Society with the Wall Street Journal. 

Kristen Stewart has no love for the Golden Age of Hollywood.

“I am not totally well versed in like the classics,” she says. “I like cinema verite and weird indie movies from the ’70s and [John] Cassavetes is my favorite.”

But in the new film “Café Society,” Stewart plays a secretary who is swept up into movie industry social life in the 1930s. Stewart called into The Wall Street Journal to talk about auditioning for “Cafe Society” director Woody Allen, what she looks for in a script, and what her life has been like since her “Twilight” days.

Listen to the whole podcast here at

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