
Wednesday, June 29, 2016

CLOUDS OF SILS MARIA on Criterion: NEW Interviews with Juliette Binoche and Kristen Stewart

On the Clouds of Sils Maria Blu-Ray from the Criterion Collection, Kristen Stewart explains in a new interview about her conversation with director Olivier Assayas. Funnily enough, Olivier had thought that Kristen wanted the part of Jo Ann Ellis (played by Chloe Grace Moretz) instead of Valentine! 

Watch below:

Here's another video with Kristen and co-star Juliette Binoche from The Film Stage:

Make sure you get your Blu-Ray copies here!! ♥

Thanks to queennn94 for the Twitter videos; thecriterioncollection for the youtube video.

Question: What do you think the movie would have been like had Kristen played Jo Ann instead of Valentine? Leave comments below. 

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