
Monday, February 8, 2016

CONGRATS: Kristen Stewart Nominated at the International Cinephile Society Awards

Kristen Stewart hails another Best Supporting Actress award for Clouds of Sils Maria!! This time, for the 2016 International Cinephile Society

In keeping with ICS tradition, the Unreleased Films list features 16 underseen films that our members were lucky enough to catch at festivals on five continents, and for which they voted passionately, but which failed to receive theatrical distribution in the USA in 2015. It’s heartening to see that more than half of last year’s titles were finally released and are now represented among our 2016 nominees.

Winners of the 13th ICS Awards will be announced on February 21, 2016.

Congrats to Kristen, Juliette, Clouds of Sils Maria, and the rest of the nominees! :)

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