
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

MENTIONS: Josh Farro Talks About Jeremy Davis Leaving Paramore


Paramore's former lead guitarist Josh Farro was asked about a possible reunion with Taylor York and Hayley Williams. Also, Josh was asked about Jeremy Davis' recent departure from the band. Interview with NME Magazine:

Your exit blog made it sound as if Paramore had always been riven with tension. What was the straw that broke the camel’s back?
“Back then, I was extremely young and naive. We hit the road when I was 15 – 17 when we started touring hardcore. I don’t regret it. It was a blast but I got burnt out. And yes there was drama. It was like a family. It was like how your brothers and sisters start to annoy you to death, and I’m sure I drove them crazy too. It got to the point where I was kind of over it – and the drama caused by all of us. Tensions flared. I needed a break – and Paramore obviously wanted to keep going which is awesome for them – but I needed to stop, so I decided it would be best if I moved on.”

Paramore have gone through six members now. Is there a survivors club?
“(Laughs) No… I’ll see our old guitar player every once in a while around town and then our old bass player, John Hembree – he reached out to me [in the aftermath]. We text each other and talk fairly regularly. But no Paramore survivors club. That would be funny wouldn’t it?”

Original bassist Jeremy Davis quit the group in December. Did you see it coming?
“I honestly didn’t see it coming, and I know Jeremy’s a great dude but Hayley and Taylor [York, guitarist] are great people too. It definitely wasn’t on my radar. It was surprising. It’s sad that it has to be that way but he’s got a wife and daughter so it’s understandable.”

Are you in contact with any of the band now?
“Yeah. We don’t hang out every day but definitely we’ll see each other around and we’re totally cool now. We bump into each other and chat like old friends. It’s a good feeling to know that you’re on good terms with someone you had a bad breakup with, so all’s well now. Maybe one day we’ll be really good friends again and be able to hang out, but as of right now it’s taking those next steps of ‘okay at first it was raw and nobody wanted to talk to each other’ and now I feel we’re at that stepping stone where we can be in each other’s presence and it’s good now and everybody feels great, but maybe that next step is hanging out. Who knows? Maybe it’s in the near future.”

Hayley called your blog “the worst day of my life”. Who made the first move towards reconciliation?
“To be honest, I just saw them one day and we talked and made small chat and I told them I felt like I was supposed to apologise for everything – like any decent human would for wronging someone. I didn’t know how they’d take it, but they were very receptive and like, ‘Oh, it’s totally cool. That you for saying that’. It was weird but freeing at the same time. From that point on, it’s been great.”

Could you ever envisage yourself rejoining Paramore – is the door open?
“The thought has crossed my mind before, but I don’t think so. It would be interesting to ever be asked to rejoin the band but I don’t think it would ever happen, and I wouldn’t join again because I’m trying to focus on my career and I really believe in my music.”

Read the rest of the interview here.

Frankly, I'm kinda tired of Josh talking about Paramore again and again. He left the band, he said what he'd had to say about Hayley and the band. I'd just wish he'd just focus on his own music and work and leave it at that. I don't hear Zac saying anything about how it'd felt to leave the band. Why is Josh the only one talking, six years later? I respect what Josh has done from 2004-2010, but I don't like how he keeps talking about the past. I also wish the media would stop asking questions about the past, as well. It's not helping anybody.

How do you feel about Josh's words about Paramore? Leave comments below. 

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