
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

MENTIONS: (AUDIO) ANESTHESIA Director Tim Blake Nelson Praises Kristen Stewart

Anesthesia director Tim Blake Nelson praised Kristen Stewart on her work on the indie film. With The Big Wake Up Call

Tim Blake Nelson is the writer, director, producer and co-star of the new film “Anesthesia,” which following a successful run on the film festival circuit opens in theaters and on demand this Friday.  

We discussed the general theme of the film, what it’s like to be involved in every aspect of a film’s production, and the message Tim hopes we’ll take away from the movie.  Tim also talked about the strong cast, especially Kristen Stewart, whom he calls a “fantastic actor” who has a “Jodie Foster-like career ahead of her.”

Listen to the full audio interview here. The Kristen mention begins at the 3:17 mark.

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