
Sunday, December 6, 2015

Kristen Stewart's NEW INTERVIEW with Marie Claire France:"You don’t need to be the loudest person in the room to be heard."

Kristen Stewart sits down with Marie Claire France to discuss the Chanel Pre-Fall Fashion show, sexism in Hollywood, the passion for other arts, and more. Read in the scans and transcript below.

On the pictures of you in Seoul, taken last summer, you appear in your everyday outfit, wearing jeans and a T-Shirt. Do you remain true to yourself when you dress up sophisticated and you are a muse for CHANEL?

I would never compromise myself. I’m really often just wearing jeans, like anybody else. Even the people who enjoy to dressing up really well don’t do it everyday. I don’t become someone different when I’m wearing clothes that are elegant or sophisticated. I don’t betray anything, I don’ t pretend, I don’t play any part, I just feel like I’m showing people another side of me. Sometimes clothes give people access to a part of yourself that no one would suspect.

Is there something you cannot travel without?

Yes. My CHANEL guitar case, I use it as a travel bag because It’s hard for me to find travel bags that I like! This one is really cool!

Last July, you were part of the CHANEL Fashion Show at Le Grand Palais, transformed into a Casino. How does it feel to be the guest star of such an event?

Right before, I was feeling super nervous to open the show, it made me sick! But then, as soon as the music started playing, I started walking and I forgot everything, I didn’t exist anymore, there was only a big story left. I really loved it. I’ve never done theatre, but I like to be part of something bigger than me. Sitting at the game table, like in a role, I couldn’t see the models walking on the runway. After the show, I had to look at the whole collection on the internet. I would rather do it this way by the way, it allows you to « consume » the collection the way you want to, instead of being in this environment where everyone dissects everyone, with this constant fucking self-awareness.

Do you like attending Fashion Shows?

During a « normal » Fashion Show, people spend their time taking pictures with their phones, and sending texts to their agents « I want this piece, I don’t give a fuck, I need this piece make it happen (this part is hard to translate, but that’s what she means lol) ». I don’t ever do that. A Fashion Show is stands as a whole, it’s like a story. The most stunning part is all the staging.

You are Karl’s muse for CHANEL. Why do you think he picked you?

Honestly? I don’t know! Karl and I, we really loved each other, it’s been a really natural collaboration. But I also believe that people who have a genuine artistic sense, compulsive artists, gravitate around each others. People like Karl are here because they truly love what they are doing. I say loudly and clearly, and I am sincere, that I have ultimate freedom, my artistic integrity is total.

Actress, you also write and play the guitare. In your answers to Patti Smith, in the « Interview Magazine », you define yourself as a « total artist ». What does it mean to be a « total artist »?

An artist is someone who doesn’t have any choice but express himself, leaving something behind him, that other people interpret and « consume » the way they want to. i don’t care if i’m not considerated as an artist, I haven’t created anything, even though I think some actors are real artists. Acting is an art that I have been exploring since I was 10, but it doesn’t mean I can’t do anything else. To be an artist a maybe a notion that you can only understand if you’re tortured. It says something that is never obtained, something you can’t describe because you can’t reach it. it trying every day to find something new, to describe something that has never been before. It’s a permanent fight, it’s exactly what Karl is doing. Fuck, it really compares you to the people who are only doing their job. An artist can send poetic texts to his friends with « why » and « how ».

In this interview, you also said that you were looking for people to direct your own movie. I though « This woman is looking for her tribe (her people) »

Exactly. it’s funny because that’s the first thing Patti Smith told me when I met her for the first time at an after party. I didn’t know her but I had been idolizing her since I was a teen. I was feeling good, I was in a strange mood. She came to me « Hey, How are you? « and I replied « Yeah, I’m good! ». She blew my mind : « I know you’re not feeling well. I just want you to know, that your people are here for you » « My people, » I instantly understood she was referring to the people gravitating around me, the ones you create thing with. « You might be sad right now, but you’re people are here and you will find them ». Karl told me the same thing once, when I was going to work and I was feeling a little down « Here, you’re with the people who really love you ». What a relief! Thank you! It was so cool that someone like him would tell me something like this, because he is a fucking artist. That’s what it means to find your people (your tribe). It’s to find people who allows you to be honest.

You say that Hollywood is « disgusting and sexist ». Every actress says the same thing.

Actress? Replace « actress » by « woman »: every woman say the same thing.

You’re right. What does it mean to be a woman in Hollywood now?

To be considered « equal », and I use quotation mark here, is something really new. It’s really getting better, it happened in a really short period of time. But women who sit to complain and bemoan about inequality are « lazy » ( I’m not sure how to translate this word they used here sorry). The ones who really want things to change about equity in terms of salaries, opportunities, should fight for it. If you truly know what you want, you have to give the best of yourself to get it. It shouldn’t be given to you. sitting on a chair with your arms crossed , whining : « oh it’s so unfair, women don’t get the parts they deserve » is useless. Ok, go ahead, write a scenario or something. And at the same time you would have to be really dumb and ridiculous if you didn’t notice inequalities in this industry, it’s crazy, it’s completely dominated and run by men. But and ambitious and creative woman can make it.

But at the same time, in this industry most women are doing what men are expecting from them: to be sexy, act a certain way to please them, seduce…

Exactly! And it’s natural! Women love men, they want to attract and be accepted. What we get money for is also a brake. You don’t need to be the loudest person in the room to be heard. Sometimes you just have to play with the cards you already have, to speak up calmly but a little more firmly. To reach equality is gonna take a while, but maybe we’ll end up loving each other. Look at people from my generation, it’s happening more frequently.

Regarding your Rebel etiquette, you recently said « fuck it all » today, what would be your moto « fuck it all » or « All I need is love? »

« All I need is love »

Interview done over the phone.

What's your favorite quote from the interview? Leave comments below. 

Translation by: LoveTheStew | Scans by: itsoktobeyou 

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