
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

TV: Kristen Stewart to Appear on @FallonTonight on January 5

Kristen Stewart gets to meet her bestie Jimmy Fallon again!! She will appear on the Tonight Show on Tuesday, January 5, along with actor Micheal Shannon and musical guests Cage the Elephant. Headline Planet reports:

It's another reunion between Kristen and Michael Shannon. They co-starred in the 2009 Joan-Jett-biopic The Runaways together. 

The show airs weeknights at 11:35 PM ET/ 9:35 PM CT on NBC, taped in NYC. 

Livestreams will be updated soon. 

Who's excited to see Kristen back on Fallon in January? Leave comments below. 

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Tuesday, December 29, 2015

MENTIONS: Nancy Kirkpatrick Talk Kristen Stewart's Post-TWILIGHT Success

Nancy Kirkpatrick and director Catherine Hardwicke at the Twilight premiere in 2008

Nancy Kikpatrick, ex-head of marketing at Summit Entertainment, talks about Twilight Saga star Kristen Stewart

And Stewart, who as a child costarred with Jodie Foster in "Panic Room," has proved herself post-"Twilight" not only with the big-budget follow "Snow White and the Huntsman" (one of 2012's top 20 films at the box office), but also with smartly chosen roles in indie movies like "Still Alice" and "Clouds of Sils Maria," which is generating Oscar buzz for the actress. 

"Kristen was a really gifted actress before she ever read 'Twilight,'" said Nancy Kirkpatrick, who worked with the actress when she served as the head of marketing at Summit Entertainment, which made the "Twilight" films. "When she's 50, we're still gonna see her work." 

"Now I watch her in interviews and feel like I'm actually seeing the real Kristen, but that's taken a long time," Kirkpatrick said of the 25-year-old. "She has an amazing team and publicist. She's practiced. But she also just grew up."
To read the rest of the interview, visit

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Monday, December 28, 2015

RECAP: All of Kristen Stewart's Critics Awards - Wins, Nominations & Runners-Up

There are so many Best Supporting Actress critics choice awards that Kristen Stewart has won for her role as Valentine in Clouds of Sils Maria. I thought it would be best to make a full recap/master post about it.



Winner: Kate Winslet, Steve Jobs

Austin Film Critics Associationfull list of nominees/winners | members 
Winner: Alicia Vikander, Ex Machina

Seattle Film Critics Survey - full list of nominees | members

Talk Film Society Awards - full list of nominees/winners
Winners to be announced February 21

2016 CHLOTRUDIS SOCIETY FOR INDEPENDENT FILM - full list of nominees | members 

International Online Cinema Awards - full list of nominees | members
Winners to be announced on Friday, February 26


Los Angeles Film Critics - Winner: Alicia Vikander - Ex Machina

Chicago Film Critics Association - Winner: Alicia Vikander - Ex Machina

St. Louis Film Critics Association - Winner: Alicia Vikander - Ex Machina

Online Film Critics Society - Winner: Rooney Mara - Carol

Toronto Film Critics Association - Winner: Alicia Vikander - Ex Machina

San Diego Film Critics Society - Winner: Jennifer Jason Leigh - The Hateful Eight

Detroit Film Critics Society - Winner: Alicia Vikander - The Danish Girl

New York Film Critics Online - Winner: Rooney Mara - Carol 

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Sunday, December 27, 2015

MENTIONS: Lily Gladstone Talks Kristen Stewart's Character 'Beth' in CERTAIN WOMEN
Lily Gladstone is on the horse. 

With MissoulianKristen Stewart's Certain Women co-star Lily Gladstone mentions her work in the film. Kristen's character is revealed as Beth. 

Gladstone was selected for the part of Jamie, a reclusive young woman who falls into the orbit of Stewart, a recent law school graduate undergoing a crisis of her own. In addition to Stewart, the leads are an acclaimed group: Laura Dern and Michelle Williams, forming a Robert Altman-like ensemble drama of everyday adults quietly consumed with crises. 
Reichardt developed the screenplay from short stories by Helena native Maile Meloy.
Gladstone said it's an ensemble-drama, three-act structure, with four leads who don't necessarily interact with one another. 
Dern plays an attorney named Laura Wells, whose client is unsatisfied with a workers' compensation settlement and takes a handful of people hostage at the courthouse, a situation Laura must help diffuse. 
Williams, a native of Kalispell, plays Gina Lewis, a woman whose marriage is falling apart. She and her husband become involved with an elderly man who has a stockpile of sandstone on his property. 
Stewart and Gladstone's story comprises the third act. Jamie lives and works alone as a ranch hand, caring for someone else's animals. 
Gladstone said she's a young woman "in the throes of her first existential crisis." 
She's "very highly strung, somebody who wants to prove that she's invincible but gets broken pretty frequently because of it." 
She meets Beth, a recent law school grad who's teaching an adult education class in town, despite the long commute it requires. 
"To Jamie she seems like this lawyer, this myth of a person, someone you meet and immediately put on a pedestal," Gladstone said. 
They soon find they have more in common than they realize. 
"It feels like one of those points in all of our lives where we're searching for something, and something comes and feels exactly like what we needed," she said.
Gladstone said Stewart is level-headed and a hard worker, and Reichardt is an actor's director – she gives the performers the first take and offers advice about scaling back or burying an emotion. 
"She said at one point, 'You get one moment in this story. And it's not this one,' " Gladstone said. 
The movie was shot mostly in the Livingston area on 16-millimeter film with the help of a grant from the Montana Film Office. 
"There were a few times when the lens would frost and we couldn't use the shot," she said.
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MENTIONS: Lars Edinger Talks Kristen Stewart in PERSONAL SHOPPER

Kristen Stewart's Personal Shopper co-star Lars Edinger talks about her in the film:

"I luckily was able to be part of another movie by Olivier Assayas (Personal Shopper) in which I shot a whole day with Kristen Stewart. Her level of acting and mine are worlds apart, I just have to admit that. You must fool yourself if you believe you're even close to hollywood niveau. But with Kristen, it's not like people think: Acting isn't about lying and pretending. It's about being honest to yourself and to the audience all the time. She rules it! You look at her and it feels like it's right for her in this moment. She doesn't force it, she doesn't reproduce what she just made up. She always plays it differently and "in the moment". 
"I would love to act this way aswell."
Read the rest of the interview

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Thursday, December 24, 2015

Kristen Stewart's NEW INTERVIEW with @latimes

Kristen Stewart did an interview with the LA Times

When historians look back at this decade of moviemaking their first instinct may be to crown Alejandro Iñárritu's "Birdman" as the definitive statement on the culture of celebrity of this era. If they are smart, they'll present another film that is arguably more spot on in how it portrays the movie industry's inherent narcissism: Olivier Assayas' "Clouds of Sils Maria." Critics have been simmering on the drama since it debuted at the 2014 Cannes Film Festival and surprised many by remembering to shower one of its stars, Kristen Stewart, with honors over the past month.

On one Sunday this month, Stewart won the supporting actress prize from both the New York Film Critics Circle and the Boston Society of Film Critics. A few days later, she was the official runner-up for the same honor from the Los Angeles Film Critics Assn. These were unforeseen kudos even when you consider that Stewart became the first American woman to win a César Award, France's equivalent of the Academy Award, for her performance in "Clouds" in February. Because it was released in the United States this calendar year, Assayas' drama was eligible for most critic honors this awards season, but Stewart says she wasn't expecting any of the adoration she's receiving.

"For that movie to get any sort of attention it's a huge surprise considering it's not the most commercial movie and especially considering everyone else who was considered," Stewart says. "It blew my head off, to be honest."

"Clouds" finds Stewart playing Valentine, the young assistant to a famous Hollywood actress, Maria (Juliette Binoche), who is trying to come to terms with her place in the global celebrity microcosm after agreeing to star in the revival of a play that launched her career two decades earlier. Valentine and Maria's relationship straddles the line between professional and personal, allowing Stewart to showcase some of the most nuanced work of her career.

"Initially, I looked at it as something that moved me. It was very emotional, but it was kind of interesting banter between two women," Stewart says. "It was an interesting role for me to play considering my position in the business and my awareness of how potentially superficial and strange it can be and how funny it would be to hear certain words come out of my mouth."

Binoche and Stewart formed a strong bond while shooting the picture that still resonates. One of the more memorable moments involved a scene where Valentine and Marie jumped into a freezing river. Assayas wanted the actors to figure out the scene together, and Stewart jokes that her reaction was the "epitome of a young American."

"It's literally glacial runoff this ... lake, and I looked up and before I knew it [Binoche] was completely ... naked. And I'm like, 'I'm not doing that.' And then we just jumped in," Stewart recalls. "We had such a big adrenaline rush, and we'd both been through so much already. All the air was out of our lungs. We couldn't breathe. And that sort of exemplified that experience."

Frankly, Stewart earning recognition for her work in "Clouds" now isn't that surprising. She's coming off a year and a half during which she also impressed in the Sundance drama "Camp X-Ray" and Oscar-winning tearjerker "Still Alice." Of course, those sorts of accolades are the furthest things from her mind. Stewart always attempted to find projects that pushed her during her breaks during the four years she was filming and promoting the "Twilight" franchise but says she "feels lucky" so many interesting films presented themselves afterward.

"Now people know I'm a weirdo and open to doing stuff down the line that isn't completely commercial," Stewart notes. "It's a strange feeling, because I've always liked things that were a bit more diagonal in terms of how people consume them."

Stewart shot five films in 2015, including Kelly Reichardt's "Certain Women," which will debut at the Sundance Film Festival next month, Woody Allen's untitled 2016 picture, Ang Lee's "Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk" and "Personal Shopper," a drastically different reunion with Assayas that she describes as "entirely existential and lonely, really poetic and really, really cool." Or, in even simpler terms, "super French."

"The person I'm playing now is a nut bag, so it's kind of working in my favor," Stewart says of her nonstop 12 months. "I'm lucky it's OK for me to look a little tired right now."

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Monday, December 21, 2015

Kristen Stewart to Appear at the CLOUDS OF SILS MARIA Special Screening at @IFCCenter

Kristen Stewart in person for special screenings of Clouds of Sils Maria.

Sun Jan 3: Q&A following 7:00pm show, introduction only at 9:45pm show!

Winner, Best Supporting Actress (Kristen Stewart): Cesar Awards, New York Film Critics Circle, Village Voice Critics Poll, Indiewire Year-End Critics Poll, Boston Society of Film Critics


IFC Center
323 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY  10014

You can get tickets to the screenings

Via: teamkristensite

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CONGRATS: Kristen Stewart Nominated at the @FLFilmCritics for CLOUDS OF SILS MARIA

UPDATE: (12/24/15) Kristen won!! ♥

Original: (12/23/15) 

Another Best Supporting Actress nomination up for Kristen Stewart!! She is nominated for her performance in the 2014 incredible journey of Clouds of Sils Maria. Other thespians nominated are Elizabeth Banks for Love and Mercy, Jennifer Jason Leigh for The Hateful Eight, Rooney Mara for Carol, and Alicia Vikander for Ex Machina. 

The Florida Film Critics Circle (FFCC) is an organization of 30 writers from Florida-based print and online publications. Founded in 1996, the FFCC strives to recognize outstanding work in film, further the cause of good movies, and maintain the highest level of professionalism among film critics in Florida.
 Other notable nominees this year include Kristen Stewart, Best Supporting Actress nominee for IFC’s Clouds of Sils Maria and Sylvester Stallone, a Best Supporting Actor nominee for reprising his role as Rocky Balboa in the rousing Warner Bros. release Creed.
 The winners will be announced on Wednesday, December 23rd.
Congrats again to Kristen and all nominees! ♥

For more information, visit

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MENTIONS: Josh @Farro Talks Paramore with @KerrangMagazine: "It was a bad break-up."

Paramore's ex-lead guitarist Josh Farro did an interview with Kerrang Magazine in regards to his communication with the band. Very interesting sit-down. Read the whole interview in the scan above. 

Tweet: MENTIONS: Josh @Farro Talks Paramore with @KerrangMagazine:

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Saturday, December 19, 2015

Kristen Stewart's Interview at the 2015 Chanel 'Paris-Rome' Métiers D'Art Campaign at Coco Chanel's Home

Here's a new interview of Kristen Stewart at the 2015 Chanel Métiers D'Art Paris-Rome Pre-Fall 2016 Fashion Show at at Coco Chanel's holiday home La Pausa on the Côte d'Azur. The 'Paris-Rome' Métiers D'Art campaign will be shot there. 


"There are still lots of VIPs who would cross the oceans to attend Lagerfeld's latest delivery. This is the case for Kristen Stewart, who has a role in the short film 'Once and Forever' directed by Lagerfeld himself. With an embroidered jacket with silver sequins and a long ponytail, the actress, very cheerful that night, was excited about the show. "I like that Parisian with this little sexy side. I loved the leather skirts and lace tights.""

"Karl Lagerfeld will shoot Chanel's next campaign with Kristen Stewart at La Pausa, Coco's home on the Côte d'Azur the French brand just bought." 

Photos by: AdoringKS
Thanks to for the translation. ♥

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PERSONAL SHOPPER: First Look of Kristen Stewart from Studio Cine Live

Here's a first look of Kristen Stewart in Personal Shopper, from Studio Cine Live Magazine. 

Digital Scans 

Translation of the text:

"One does not change a winning team! Olivier Assayas directs for the second time Kristen Stewart, after 'Sils Maria', with which the actress earned, in February, her first major trophy, all continents combined: the César for Best Supporting Actress. In this ghost story, on the sidelines of fashion world - shot in English - Kristen Stewart plays a young American living in Paris, who earns a living as a "personal shopper" for a celebrity. Yet, her real gift lies elsewhere: in her ability to communicate with spirits, that she shared with her twin brother lost recently. Around her, Olivier Assayas gathered Sigrid Bouaziz, seen in Eden, Anders Danielsen Lie, Joachim Trier's fave, as well as Lars Eidinger, that he has already directed in 'Sils Maria'.
By Olivier Assayas, with Kristen Stewart, Sigrid Bouaziz, Anders Danielsen Lie.. release to be determined."

Thanks to itsoktobeyouorg for translating. ♥

Photos by: Studio Cine Live Magazine

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Kristen Stewart to be Featured on Scott Feinberg's 'Awards Podcast' Next Week

UPDATE (12/28/15): Listen to the podcast now on ITunes!!

You can also listen to the conversation on

Original Story (12/19/15): Kristen Stewart and The Hollywood Reporter's Scott Feinberg will meet again! Kristen will be featured on Scott's podcast Awards Chatter next week. 

‘Awards Chatter’ is a weekly podcast, moderated by THR awards analyst Scott Feinberg, featuring musings about the Oscar, Emmy and Tony races, as well as in-depth interviews with top contenders for those prizes. 

The first time Kristen and Scott met was during last year's Indie Contenders Roundtable panel with Jake Gyllenhaal, Bill Hader, Tilda Swinton, Marion Cotillard, Michelle Monaghan and filmmakers J.C. Chandor and Damien Chazelle.

Who's excited to hear Kristen and Scott's conversations in the podcast next week? Leave comments below. 

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Wednesday, December 16, 2015

MENTIONS: Stacy Martin Mentions Robert Pattinson with Elle


Robert Pattinson's The Childhood of a Leader co-star Stacy Martin talked about his process in the film with ELLE. 

Can you tell us anything about Childhood of a Leader, the film you’re in with Robert Pattinson?
I can tell you that he plays a very difficult role and he works very hard, but makes it look very easy. He was very focused and the film is going to be very intense, in the best way. It’s going to really surprise a lot of people.
Read more of her interview here.

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ELLE UK 2010: NEW Photos of Kristen Stewart

Here are new images of Kristen Stewart for ELLE UK 2010. 

Photos by: hdutopia

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LIFE: NEW UHQ Photos of Robert Pattinson and @danedehaan

UHQ new photos of Robert Pattinson and Dane DeHaan in their James Dean bipoic LIFE 

Photos by: diariotwilight 

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