
Monday, October 19, 2015

MENTIONS: 'Twilight Saga' Author Stephenie Meyer Talks Kristen Stewart's Prediction on LIFE AND DEATH

The Twilight Saga author Stephenie Meyer mentions Kristen Stewart in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter about the gender-bent version of Twilight, Life and Death. 

When did you start planning this [on writing 'Life and Death']? 
I think it was March. I knew the publisher wanted something for tenth anniversary. I didn’t want to just write a letter and say, ‘Thanks.’ I talked to my sister, and my mom, and a couple of friends, and kind of came around back to this idea. I’d always said “If Bella had been a boy, which would have been the exact same story, this isn’t about, you know, her being a weak female, it’s about her being a human being.” I was talking to Josh Horowitz when I was at New York Comic Con. He told me that Kristen Stewart did an interview a while back and gave a great quote, "People wouldn’t be asking these questions if I were a boy who’d done all the same choices. You’d be talking about what a brave thing it was for him to give it all up for love." And I thought that was so interesting—I wish I’d known about it, I would’ve put it on the back of the book. 
 Watch Kristen's infamous interview with's Shauna Murphy down below. 

What are your thoughts on Stephenie and Kristen's words on the gender-swap? Leave comments below. 

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