
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

#Twilight10: Celebrate the Novel's 10th Anniversary with Stephenie Meyer at Forever Twilight in Forks Festival October 5!!

Stephenie Meyer book signing, 9/12/15 in Forks, VA

Awww the time has finally come!! It's the tenth anniversary of the Twilight book release!! And to celebrate this momentous occasion, author Stephenie Meyer is hosting a book signing at Forks, WA (Yes, it's a real place!) at the Forever Twilight in Forks festival on October 5.

Read her full statement below:
Hello friends and readers,

On October 5th, a decade will have passed since Twilight was first published. An entire decade—crazy! I feel like this calls for some kind of celebration.

As they’ve done for the past eight years, the town of Forks, Washington is celebrating Twilight with their annual Forever Twilight in Forks festival. I’m thrilled to announce that this year I will be in Forks on Saturday, September 12th to sign books!

There will be more details to come with instructions on how you can register (it’s free and open to everyone!), so check back on my blog. And for those of you who can’t make it but wish you could, we’ve got something for you. Two very cool BookTubers, Kat from Katytastic and Sasha from ABookutopia, will be with me in Forks to sit down and discuss all things Twilight plus cover the weekend’s events so you won’t miss them.

I hope to see you in Forks!

And now a note from the social media experts:

Be sure to follow the Fickle Fish Twitter Account, and the Forever Twilight in Forks Facebook Page for more details on the signing. And follow the adventures on social media with the hashtag #Twilight10!

Who's excited for the book signing? What's your favorite memory from the Twilight books? Leave comments below.

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 Thanks for reading! :) ♥