
Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Read Hayley Williams' Heartfelt Tumblr Post on the Self-Titled Era, #WritingtheFuture

Hayley Williams wrote a very heartfelt post on her Tumblr page about the 4 year journey on the Self-Titled Era. She shared her feelings on this past tour, Writing the Future, moving forward, wedding plans, building a hair dye company, and many more adventures! An excerpt below:

...every night on Writing The Future, while we were on stage, there was always a moment of realization that we can never relive anything. not any single thing. it’s cruel. seriously, we are a generation who lives almost exclusively through our photos and videos and captions, trying to freeze moments in time but it’s all only a shade of us and our experience. what’s real is what those moment create within us… and that’s what we carry with us and that’s what shapes the moments to come. or at least how we perceive them, feel them, live them. memories do serve us when we are the most nostalgic and i suppose i’m always the most nostalgic… but even my memories of the last 4 years won’t fill me the way actually living it all did. 
Read the rest of the post HERE.

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