
Saturday, May 2, 2015

#RobPattinsonBdayWatchAlong: Celebrate Robert Pattinson's 29th Birthdaywith a WatchAlong!!

Movies for the watchalong are:

RKMovieNews did a really nice job making these posters for the watchalong. Hope to see you guys there this Saturday and Sunday! :) 

Original Story: In honor of Robert's 29th Birthday we (including RK Movie News and Stewartboxd) will be having a marathon of movies on Saturday, May 16th and Sunday, May 17th. We automatically included The Rover, Cosmopolis, Bel Ami and Remember Me as they are readily available on Netflix and Amazon Prime. We also included Maps to the Stars as it was recently released on DVD/BluRay but we need your help to pick the remaining three films. Please vote in the following poll on the sidebar to select the movies you would like to watch.

 If you found this article useful, please share it with your friends on Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr by clicking the share buttons below. 

 Thanks for reading! :) ♥

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