
Monday, November 3, 2014

UPDATE: NEW Paramore Year-End Voting Details-- VOTE for your Favorite Cover #BestParacover

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As you may have known, I am one of the voting ambassadors for's Paramore Year-End Voting campaign, and there's some more details prior to the starting date, December 14.

First, the campaign is still looking for more voting ambassadors, so if you know anyone with a Paramore fanbase (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram) come join us!

Second, there's a new voting category -- Best Paramore Single Cover. All you have to do is tweet Youtube links to your favorite covers from singles from the self-titled album-- "Now", "Still Into You", "Daydreaming", "Ain't It Fun", and "Last Hope". Covers with the most number of tweets will be nominated in the contest. Use the hashtag #BestParacover. 

So get to hunting on those covers, and I'll see you soon! :)


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