
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

NEWS: Lane Garrison and Joseph Julian Soria Talk Kristen and CAMP X-RAY

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What was it like working with Kristen Stewat, who is best known for her role in the Twilight series? This seems to be a very different role for her?

Lane Garrison: I think this was Kristen's best performance as an actress. She definitely established herself as a serious actor. I think the media sometimes miscontrues her as only being an actor for teens because of the Twilight series; she is definitely one of the hardest working actresses I've ever known. She just finished her fifth film in a row without any breaks in between. Cam C-Ray was shot in just 24 days and she worked extremely hard each day. We got along really well, which is great considering our characters are at odds for most of the film. We were shotting such dark material, so we had to have some good laughs in between takes. We even built a driving range to play golf on behind the set. She's a very athletic person as well, so it was great to be able to have some fun even through shooting such a heacy film.

Source thanks to @jjsoria 

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