
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Juliette Binoche Mentions Kristen

Just because you're working with younger actresses doesn't mean they're less experienced. Kristen started acting when she was 10 years old, and Chloë at 7. They both have their own technique, their own way of dealing with emotions.

Kristen knows more about the details of being a star than I do because she's really in the world of paparazzi. There are little things—like how your personal assistant has to check to see if everything is OK before you get out of the car for a big event. You always keep the doors locked in case, or your dress is totally open.

I don't use Facebook or Twitter or Instagram. One difference between generations that I experienced—and it's also in the film—is the different way we use the Internet. Kristen and Chloë were always in contact with a bunch of friends on their iPhones. They showed me things and said, "C'mon, get into it," but I don't think I could live that life. I'll Google people when I need some information, and of course it's very useful. I also love to read what the fans are saying about me sometimes.


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