
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

New update on 'The Shadows' :) share/like

My hands glowed a light pinkish hue around the outline of my fingers, and I gasped.
Edward took my hands. “Light pink means you’re in love.”
“But I’m not. Not yet, anyway.” My voice shook, then trailed off. I looked at him and saw his eyes fall in sadness. He misunderstood, and I shook my head. I wanted him to know how I felt. “But I do like you. I don’t know, I feel a really strong connection with you that I haven’t with anyone else.” I pushed his hair out of his eyes, rubbing his cool, smooth face. “If anything happened to me, if this turned into a warzone between us and the Shadows, it’d hurt you, and I don’t want to hurt you. So is it ok if we waited for awhile?”

He smiled and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, bringing me closer. “Trust me, I won’t let anything happen to you. I’ll never let anyone hurt you, not even myself.” He inhaled my hair deeply, as if it would be the last time he ever would. “And yes, we can wait.”

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