
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

EQUALS Update: #HouseofCards' Kate Lyn Sheil Joins Cast

Kate Lyn Sheil Joins Kristen Stewart, Nicholas Hoult In ‘Equals’ Deadline: EXCLUSIVE: Actress Kate Lyn Sheil(House of CardsYou’re Next) has been cast in Equals, the futuristic love story from director Drake Doremus(Like Crazy, Breathe In) starring Twilight‘s Kristen Stewart and X-Men‘s Nicholas Hoult.

The hot Cannes 2014 sales project is set in a future society where emotions have been eradicated. A new breed of humans, called Equals, live peacefully until a disease begins activating emotions in its victims who are sent away and never seen again. Hoult is set to star as Silas, who becomes infected and is outcast until he connects with Nia (Stewart), another “switched on” Equal who is able to hide her emotions. Sheil will play Kate, a fellow co-worker of Silas and Nia. Guy Pearce signed on last month to the pic, which is gearing up for an August shoot in Japan and Singapore and was scripted by Moon writer Nathan Parker. Producers are Ridley Scott, Michael Schaefer, Ann Ruark, and Jay Stern and Chip Diggins of Route One which is also financing. Exec producers are Mike Pruss, Lee Jea Woo, Choi Pyung Ho and Russell Levine.
Awesome! I recognize Sheil from "House of Cards" and she was great. Welcome to the team of EQUALS, Kate! 

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