
Sunday, June 15, 2014

Watch: Hayley Williams and Taylor York Talk About Failure Influence

On June 8th Hayley Williams and Taylor York attended Failure‘s show at Exit/In in Nashville, TN. Shortly after the show Williams tweeted that Failure is “one of the top 3 reasons why Paramore even exists,” and later on posted a photo wearing their merch t-shirt. On Friday Failure premiered a footage covering one of their latest shows including a small talk from Hayley and Taylor! “It’s been one of the most influencing band on my guitar playing. This is amazing,” said Taylor. “I’ve first heard Failure from a CD I got from a friend. For a person who’s grown up on more pop and soul music… It’s just made me want to be in a band,” said Hayley. Click HERE to see the video.

Skip to 2:50 to hear Taylor and Hayley. 


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