
Monday, May 12, 2014

Rob on the Cover of Snatch Magazine


UPDATE: Rob producing his first album??
Rob's friend Brady Corbet spoke out to say some things about Rob producing his FIRST ALBUM!!
Robert Pattinson’s first album “will arrive soon” says Corbet 
The end of the Twilight era was testing for Robert Pattinson, who thought – once again – to set aside his career to concentrate on his first passion: music. Since his first rock band formed during his teenage years in London suburb, the actor never really stopped and continued composing songs or giving improvised concerts, with his friend Bobby Long in particular, a British folkie. Moreover, it is the first thing Catherine Hardwicke remembers from her meeting with Pattinson, to who she gave the opportunity to have a few composition on the Twilight original score: “We were three to leave for a cabin in the mountains to work on the music. Rob began taking the guitar and recorded songs while watching the finished movie on my computer. He was completely happed [?] by music, he seemed to have lost all his natural shyness. I did not know his voice could be so intense and moving.”
I have been saying for years that he should make an album, and the fact that we may get to hear it is so exciting. I hope we get more info on this later on.

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