
Sunday, May 18, 2014

First Reviews of MAPS TO THE STARS at Cannes 2014

Little White Lies:
It's an infuriating movie, and that is possibly the point. It feels like a ten-part TV mini-series which has been inelegantly compressed to feature length. There are so many quote marks littered on to the screen that it's hard to make finite judgements on elements which may be knowingly bad or just bad bad. A scene where Benjie is given a gun and places it against his head having taking the bullets out follows a tried-and-tested trajectory. But is it meant to? Is this duplicated banality? It's hard to tell. It's hard to tell if Cronenberg can tell. The smart money's on yes, but further research is definitely required.

Telegraph UK:
There are so many snakes in play, it takes a while to work out which fangs connect to which rattle. The first is Agatha, the young woman from the coach, played by Mia Wasikowska. She’s come to town ostensibly to help the actress Carrie Fisher, whom she befriended on Twitter, to write a novel – “although it might become something for HBO,” she blithely tells Jerome, a chauffeur and would-be actor winningly played by Robert Pattinson.

Film 4:
Maps To The Stars is a film having plenty of fun with the notion of Hollywood dynasties and the processes by which success is achieved and cemented – who knows whom, who’s seeing whom, who hates whom: all the invisible, untraceable connections that bind Hollywood together. The joke is that there is no map to these stars, and without an innate sense of direction you’ll soon be lost. Hollywood is often decried as incestuous, and this film plays that idea to the hilt, with the product of incestuous breeding even more troubled and egotistical than the generation before that. - See more at:  

Congrats to all of the good reviews so far, and even the bad ones, because this movie is still being seen and getting its buzz! :)

source: robstendreams


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