
Monday, April 21, 2014

#CampXRay Going to Screen at #Cannes2014?! @campxraymovie

RKMovieNews reported on their Facebook page today:

I was perusing Cinando's link of Cannes 2014 screenings and guess what I saw? Camp X-Ray is listed for May 16th. It is my understanding that this is a listing of Market Screenings for the Festival so it looks like the film may screen for industry folk at Cannes. Very exciting!

Dude!! That is amazing!! Kristen already has Clouds of Sils Maria going to competition at Cannes, so hopefully we'll get more word on Camp X-Ray. CXR has already gotten a ton of good reviews praising Kristen and Peyman Mooadi's performances in the movie, so I'm not expecting any less from this screening. 

Who's excited to see CXR and COSM go to Cannes!! Comment below! 

source  via

UPDATE from 
UPD: Just got confirmation, YES Camp X-Ray will be at the Cannes Film Market, YES the French company Rezo Films handles world sales but NO they're not the French film distributor for Camp X-Ray, the distribution rights for France are still available. :/ 

Looks like we'll be having 2 Kristen movies at Cannes!! Awesome! :D

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