
Monday, December 9, 2013

Rant: 3's a Crowd

Dagg what happened?!! 
Why, after a day of sorrow, are my fandoms all over the place when it comes to drama? 
3 of my fandoms I'm a part of are in turmoil: TMI( Mortal Instruments), Twilight, and Paramore (can you believe it?!)

I'll start with them because they never seen to chill with the drama. New Kristen pics surfaced of her boarding a plane to.....? We don't know yet. And that's the point, we don't know. But people have the nerve to add on their 2 cents. London(where Rob is at the moment), Dallas, TX, and even NYC. Why do you need to add in your opinion? And when you think someone is wrong, you attack them or hint out cryptic tweets? Why! That's not showing where K is going. Why not just wait and see where she's headed before you start with the threats? 
We just lost a fandom member last night, her name was Kim, @kgirl1899. She passed of a stroke. I didn't know her, but a lot of my twitterfriends did. And it hurt me to see a lot of my friends hurt. It also brought us together for what was really important in this fandom: RK andTwilight. They brought us together into this family well never get out of. Can we go back to that, now? That bond? 

As for the TMI band, some are hating on Jamie Campbell Bower's new girlfriend and gloating "Jamily"(Jamie and Lily Collins, past gf) to her. Why?! You are acting like the Twilight fandom/Robsessed idiots with that crap. It does no good, it only makes Jamie resent sharing anything at all anymore. And that's not right. And you know it. Jamie and Lily were cute, but that's all in the past. Jamie likes this new girl, so be happy for him and go on with your day.

The Paramore fans aren't in much trouble, in fact they HARDLY ever get into drama, which is why I love them. It takes me away from the BS of some other ones. But today I saw a few angry tweets about people hating Paramore for their religion? Why?! They have said time and time again that their faith in God had always been important to them. They don't let stupid haters looking for attention come between them. And niether should you. Just love the music and ignore the haters.

Just go back to what's important in your fandom and leave the rest to God.

Paramore fans-music
RK fans- movies and Kristen going to SUNDANCE (!!!!)
TMI fans- movies, cast and Jamie's insanely funny self 

Ok, now back to regular news! :) 
Thanks for reading! 

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