
Friday, November 15, 2013

Vote for Paramore's Self-titled Album for the Best Music 2013 @idolator

2013 best albums readers poll

On this Veterans Day, we’re giving you, our pop-loving readers, the opportunity to exercise one of your most patriotic and democratic privileges: The right to vote! Yes, it’s finally time to begin sifting through 2013′s album releases, so we — and you — can compile a list of the best ones. As usual, the editors here at Idolator are feverishly compiling their own list of what they consider to be the best popular music had to offer over the past several months. But we’re also eager to let you have your say.
Today we’re posting a readers’ poll containing several albums released between January and June. In a few weeks we’ll also do one up for the key albums that arrived in the latter half of the year. And when all is said and done, we’ll round up what Idolator readers deem to be their 10 favorite records from 2013. So get to voting below!
Note: As this is a two-part poll, it’s also a two-part process. Once you vote, we also want you to leave your thoughts  in the comments box below on why you chose that particular album. We’ll be reading all of your feedback and including it in our final writeup containing your top selections for the Best Albums Of 2013.
So vote below, then let us know why your pick deserves to be in our year-end roundup of the year’s best albums!

Vote for Paramore's self-titled album for them to win!

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