
Friday, November 1, 2013

New #Spotlight Teasers: 10/29/13 and 10/30/13

From FicTease:

he Spotlight is On! by Paralighter4ever
Chapter 69 Teaser
Banner by FSMeurinne
Banner by FSMeurinne
I arose to the smell of pancakes. I smiled sleepily and stretched. I got up to use Edward’s side bathroom, then walked downstairs in his big T-shirt. I tripped on the way down, as usual, but got my way up. I stepped in the kitchen and turned beet red.
Edward’s whole family, and mine included, eyes were on me in Edward’s shirt.
Emmett’s jaw dropped; Esme gasped, and didn’t exactly look thrilled; Alice and Rose couldn’t stop smiling; Carlisle looked pissed; and Edward’s ears turned as red as my cheeks.
And just like a coward, I ran back upstairs. Tears of embarrassment filled my eyes as I slammed Edward’s bedroom door.
I slid down to the floor and hugged my knees, trying to contain my breath control.
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