
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

MAPS TO THE STARS Going to Cannes 2014?? @Altfilmguide

Is MTTS going to Cannes 2014?? Alt Film Guide thinks so!

Maps to the Stars’: Cannes 2014 as possibility?

Toronto Star film critic Peter Howell tweeted that Maps to the Stars, "with plot of life crisis & rehab, had industry sneak Monday in T.O. — perfect choice!" Whether or not this second David Cronenberg and Robert Pattinson collaboration will have aCannes Film Festival 2014 premiere remains to be seen. There’s certainly a chance, as Cosmopolis had its official debut at the festival two years ago. In fact, in the last 18 years, four David Cronenberg movies have vied for the Palme d’Or. BesidesCosmopolis, there were CrashSpider, and A History of Violence.
God-willing that MTTS goes through for Cannes next year, and with AFG's huge support, anything can happen! :)

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