
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

@thetwilight25 Prompt 6, Round 8

As you all know, if you follow me on Twitter, i'm participating in the Twilight 25 Challenge, where I have to write 25 flashes (300-500 words) on given prompts in the matter of 3 months. Here's my newest one. Enjoy and share!

The Twilight Twenty-Five
thetwilight25 dot com
Prompt: # 6
Pen Name: Paralighter4ever
Pairing/Character(s): Edward/Bella
Rating: T
Word Count: 422
Photo prompts can be found here:
thetwilight25 dot com/round-eight/prompts
We ran through the castle hallways, my giggles echoing through the walls. Edward smiled and grabbed my hand tighter as we kept on running. He skidded, a shocked look on his face, and said, "This way!"

He pulled me to the northeast side of the castle and we hid in a broom cupboard nearby.
Footsteps thundered past us, and I covered my face in Edward's broad chest. He'd gotten quite a build ever since he came back from the Army. I looked up at him, and rubbed his stubbled chin.
He looked down and stroked my face, gently tucking my hair behind my ear. I gulped as he took my crown from my hand and put it in a spot behind me. I looked behind and stared at the shiny piece of head jewelry that had my destiny written all over it. I had no desire to be Queen, when it would be my turn after my mother. Thankfully, I had an older sister, Rosalie, who would love to take over the throne. Unfortunately, her attitude has caused a few turned heads in the country of Washingtown. She was only focused on herself and her own needs, not the people's. That disturbed my mother, but she had always been uncontrollable.

I looked down, and swallowed a few tears. Edward's arms snaked from behind me, pulling me closer.

"You don't want to be Queen, do you?" he asked, gently.

I shook my head.

"But think of what you could do, for your family, for your country—"

"But that's too much! Too much for me to handle, I'm only 16, for God's sake! I just want to live! Be normal, for once." I turned in his arms. "To be with you, and not hide."

"I'm a wanted man, Bella."

"Not to me, you're not. You did nothing wrong."

"You know that, I know that, but the courts and everyone from that ball don't know that. They didn't see what that lowlife was going to do to you," his voice rose in anger, and he gripped my shoulders.

"Ow, Edward, you're hurting me…" I put my hands on his face soothingly. "Hey, hey, shh, it's ok.

 It's ok."

His breathing slowed down a bit and his grip loosened, then he drew me in. "I'm sorry." He whispered.

I ran my fingers through his bronze locks softly. "It's ok," I repeated. "We're going to get through this. Together."

He pulled back. "You still want me?" He asked in a small voice.

I smiled. "Of course."

Check out the rest of the prompts here:

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