
Friday, October 18, 2013

Romain Gavras Talks Working with Rob in 'Lo Donna' Magazine #DiorRob @thinkingofRob


The main difficulty ?
Probably the fact of having to take in so many places at once. We had to run all over New York with Rob, who is a big star in Hollywood, dodging paparazzi and all the rest, not to reveal the images of the campaign prior to submission. Also, before you know Rob had no idea how it would go because we were waiting hectic, very active, and sometimes the actors do not like working under pressure. But he was great, he gave more than he asked , was with me one hundred percent . In addition, during the shoot, we had great fun.
What is your favorite scene?
I really like the part on the beach, was the first scene we shot . During the first shot is always something interesting happening at that moment if you know what you had in mind will work or not.It was very nice to hear that it would work.
How was working with Rob?
Rob is an extremely curious , is leaving the phase of the “poster boy” of Twilight to play more mature roles . Is already making interesting choices and courageous. Speaking as a director, I can say that he is an actor with which it is very easy to work , able to give so much .

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