
Sunday, October 6, 2013

NEW Rob Interview with Lux Magazine (Sweden) @RPLife

What kind of person is the man wearing Dior Homme?
He smells incredibly good! (laughs)

The campaign movie of Dior Homme begins with a scene at the beach. What of that do you remember from that?
We drove a small BMW along the beach. If you had stepped on the breaks the car would have immediately been mired in the sand, so we steadily drove 80 miles per hour, with the camera on board. And as the driver I was basically responsible for the other three models. The next thing I remember is the car speeding into the sea. The whole bumper fell off, it was wild! (laughs)

With you as the new face [of the fragrance], Dior Homme is reaching out to a completely new generation of young men. How would you describe them?
I just turned 27 and it wasn’t until now that I’ve come to realize that people don’t see me as a child anymore. It feels weird to finally see yourself as a grown up and to be treated like one by others. To describe my generation is difficult because for us the last ten years have been some kind of transition phase; and some of us still try to figure out what to do with all of that. At least that’s the case with me. (laughs)

Very often, certain smells are connected to memories. Do you have those?
I remember my dad, who has always worn Brut de Fabergé. He still has that fragrance and it reminds me of my early schooldays. As weird as it sounds but I still know exactly how he smells; it’s like it somehow burnt itself into my memory. Later, when I was about 12 years old, I started talking to girls and thought it would be cool to wear a perfume while doing that. I also remember vacation in Portugal. At the time I thought wearing a cool perfume would make me seem older. So that smell and hair wax had been my constant companions during that summer. (laughs)

Are there cities or countries that you connect with certain smells?
My dad’s from Yorkshire where there are a lot of moors and heather - that smell is simply amazing. We always spent Christmas there and even though I haven’t been there for years the smell never left me.

More here:

Source: RPLife

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