
Friday, September 13, 2013

Why is there a Photo of Rob Pattinson in Cuban Revolution Museum? @VICEUK

VICE Magazine, hailed in the UK, reported something very interesting--and slightly peculiar--concerning Rob's picture set up in the Cuban Revolution Museum.

A bit strange, isn't it? A photo of Rob strolling along in a Cuban museum.

VICE reported:
The photo shows R-Patz in a black beanie, T-shirt, jeans and jacket, apparently strolling through the same room we were standing in. However, it's clearly been photoshopped (a search of "Robert Pattinson black beanie" brings up the exact same image, only he's in LA, not Cuba) and the text surrounding it makes no mention of the actor ever visiting the museum.
Which raises the question: Why is there a picture of this Hollywood A-lister, representing all that is beguiling and vapid about capitalist America, on a poster hanging in the shrine to all things Cuban and communist?
Before detouring into a prolonged career of guerrilla warfare and the successful evasion of assassination attempts, legend has it that Fidel Castro dabbled in the movie business. Paramount talent scout Jerry Beeker was on holiday in Havana – a popular haunt for the 1940s Hollywood crowd – when he spotted a young, clean-cut Castro at a nightclub and invited him to the US for an audition.
Read more of the article here:

Tell me some of your theories. How, and why, is there a photo of Rob at this prestigious museum?

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