
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

New Rob Interview with Marie Claire Italy @RPLife @letmesigndotcom

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At that time he would dress casual, now he's the face of the Dior Homme fragrance. Does he pay more attention to what he wears? He smiles, revealing his teeth up to the wisdom ones, and points at the baseball cap he's wearing backwards, the dark shirt with short sleeves, the grey tee underneath and the black jeans. "I don't think so" he laughs. "I don't spend much time thinking about what to wear. I buy clothes randomly, depending on my mood. I could wear the same thing for days, even one those button-fly romper suits for babies would be okay. Though the night before at the Dior party at Soho House, he seemed at ease (and too handsome) in a dark suit. Does he at least wear any perfume? "I have been wearing it for a few days!", he laughs and is given the eye by the press agent. "Jokes aside, I tried wearing a perfume at that age when you start looking at girls and drench yourself in such poor-quality brands that they'd say 'what's this smell?'. I'm learning now".

I had spoken with Romain Gavras few hours later. He'd told me that during the scene of the car on the beach, Rob ended up in the water. I tell him and he blushes, but is pleased in a crazy way. He also said you're cultured and smart, I add. And that you sext each other, like "what are you wearing?". He bursts out laughing. "He started it and I was like 'what? Who the hell is this?' Then I identified him and started replying. Romain is young and ambitious, but doesn't take himself too seriously. He has a sense of humor and is a bit of an anarchist. I like him."

I notice he's no longer pale. He is starting to get the Californian skin tone. What else do I want to ask him? Oh yes, how did he spend his first check? "On a guitar. Then a house in LA. Better here than in London, my hometown, where houses are too expensive" Who knows who makes the bed for him in this new house now. "Believe it or not, I don't have a housekeeper." Does he make it himself? "I leave it unmade." he grins.

I ask him what people overestimate and underestimate about acting. "They mistake it for a game. But it's a very demanding job. On the other hand, I don't understand those actors who say 'I don't think so' when asked if their kids will follow their foothsteps. It's one of the most beautiful jobs in the world."

He tells me he still hangs out with his old friends. "They're amazing, very protective. And when I'm with them, fans are less intrusive." So I ask him what he considers a betrayal from a friend and he says that a true friend would never stab your back, and if he does, then he's not a true friend. I envy his certainties, it seems that he's managed not to let fame turn his life upside down. He's so calm you wonder how he was at school. "I've never been very social, nor enthusiastic about being a leader. I kept to myself and associated the idea of being rebellious with being constantly drunk. No, this is terrible!" He immediately rectifies, laughing. "Actually, speaking of rebels, if I think of the riots around the world, I feel very lucky. I was born in a country where there's no need to make a revolution, but who hasn't been just as lucky has a right to revolt."

Rob is growing up. He's becoming less and less a teenager and more and more an adult. He'll soon be on the set of Werner Herzog's Queen of the Desert with James Franco. "I'm becoming old. I'll admit to having been worried about the post-Twilight. Everything has been going well for so long, I wonder if it's a prediction to something terrible. I turned 27, the age stars die." That's not true! "It is! Jim Morrison, Amy Winehouse, Janis Joplin... And I need to wait till May to turn 28" However, the media have already depicted Douglas Booth as his successor. Does he think of him as an enemy or an heir? "I don't even know who I am, maybe he can tell me. This thing of giving you a duplicate as soon as you're a little older is senseless." But wasn't he, too, depicted as someone else's heir at the beginning? "Yes, Jesus. The new messiah." And he laughs. 

More of the interview here:

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