
Monday, September 16, 2013

New Rob Interview with Glamour Italy

What did the Dior campaign mean for you?
A turning point: for the first time, staring at myself in the screen, I realized I looked like an adult. It was so relieving: I've always been afraid to resemble a 15 year old. In Cosmopolis, for instance, I was wearing a black suit. Pretty manly. Still, I felt like a little boy dressed up as a grown-up. 

Well, dressed up or not, you're often indicated as the most glamorous celeb.
What? I'm so boring: I wear the same clothes every day. This Dior jacket, for example: they gave it to me months ago, and I haven't took it off yet. If I could, I'd wear it to go to sleep. Maybe you should send it to the dry cleaners... What about women instead: what should a girl wear to get your attention?
Hum I'm trying hard not to come up with dirty comments (he laughs). Let's put it this way: whatever she chooses, she needs to own it, and to show she's comfortable in her skin and clothes.

Are you comfortable in your own skin?
I'm not exactly a self-confident person. But right now I feel good: I left Twilight behind, and, with that, my adolescence. I'm now ready to move into the next phase.

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