
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

New Rob Interview with InStyle UK #DiorRob


These days fragrance campaigns have become a deliberate career move for A-list stars, who sign endorsements with big fashion houses for beautifully shot campaigns with reputable directors. And who better to represent your brand than the man at the centre of a movie franchise worth over three billion dollars? Clever Dior. The ads are impressively atmospheric, like a grainy, Warhol movie shot against NewYork skylines by Nan goldin with Robert running along rooftops and engaging in passionate clinches with a young french actress. He looks like a brooding James Dean. His hair had been cropped almost army regulation short.

"Initially I was going to shave it off. I wanted to have really short hair for it," He pauses thoughtfully. "I guess it was out of fear, really. You're doing an ad and you don't want it to look like you're posing." He's been offered big-money deals before of course, probably on a daily basis. It seems an unlikely move for someone so overtly private though, doing an ad campaign. So why now?

"Before, I was so obsessed with thinking, 'People are going to think you're a sell out,' and now of course, every single actor in the world has done one. In the past I always said no to everything, I thought I'd be so judged for it." What made him change his mind? "Dior came up and it felt right. It was a big decision - I've turned down plenty of others at the last minute before."

Of course he has. Twilight was not without its price. Pattinson lives under constant siege from paparazzi and frenzied fans, and his private life is debated on a daily basis. There is to be strictly no mention today of his high-profile split from Kristen Stewart, but I wonder if he feels the pay-off has been worth it? The franchise has, after all, given him the money and studio muscle in Hollywood to pick and choose what he does next.

"Kind of. It can be a really difficult transition from something like Twilight; once people identify you with something like that it's hard to find your way out of it. And also, I mean, I'm not that easy to cast because of my... physicality. I'm quite lanky. You can't exactly see me in a sports film or something, can you? I'm never going to play 'one of the guys'."

Surely he knows he's leading man material? "I don't know," he puffs on his electronic cigarette and laughs. "Maybe I have body dysmorphia." Does he see himself as good looking? He frowns. "It depends, sometimes. But I'm weird about my looks. Once you get photographed a lot it changes you. I remember when I first did Twilight I didn't care about how I looked - there was less pressure , I guess. I was like, 'I'm cool as shit!'"he laughs.

And now there's pressure in abundance. The night before I'd seen him at a Dior event in LA to launch the campaign. He'd arrived looking dashing in a navy suit and answered questions dutifully, but he seemed curiously shy for someone so used to being photographed and stared at.

"Every time I appear somewhere, I think, 'I don't know how many more times I can do this'. Dressing up to go somewhere and be looked at - I get so nervous. Up until the second I have to leave, I'll get changed a million times. It's crazy. Literally just before I go I look in the mirror and think, 'You look like shit'. I start worrying about wrinkles." He's 27. Really? "Honestly. Everyone who works with me knows they'll have to sit there and wait for me to go through my process of having my panic attack about how I look."

It's hard to decide whether he would have chosen this path had he known what he knows now. He was a middle class boy from an affluent west London suburb, the son of a model booker and businessman who fell into joining a local drama group as a teenger. And, as he point out, no one knew that Twilight was going to take off ("it was all so unexpected - the studios hadn't even bought the rights to the other books, so they ended up getting screwed over"). Actors like Daniel Craig and Matt Smith at least knew what they were signing up to, playing characters that inspire fan conventions and entire industries. Despite the success of the novels, no one could have predicted the feverish response to the Twilight movies.


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