
Saturday, July 13, 2013

Paramore "Color Me Rad" 5K Marathon Next Week at New Jersey

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It looks like Paramore will be bringing the colors of their "Now" video into New Jersey!
Paramore will be at the "Color Me Rad" 5K Marathon next week, Sunday July 21. Join them at their Orange Station for a fun-filled, racing, action-packed day of paint and expression through colors!

How it works:

Start out as clean as a newborn babe, and throughout the run, you'll coat your chaffing thighs with Color Bombs of bluegreen,pinkpurple, and yellow until your face, shirt, and body come out silkscreened like a tie-dyed hippy on the other side.

Each section of the run adds a new explosion of color to your clean, painter’s palate until you cross the finish line into a final blitzkrieg of color. 

What is the “color” in Color Me Rad?

You’re probably asking yourselves, “Is this really color being thrown at us or are the rainbows we’re seeing just God’s signal that it’ll never flood again?”

Well I’m glad you asked.  This isn’t just smoke and mirrors.  This is non-toxic, non-rash-inducing, Kroger branded, colored corn-starch.  Subsidized by the government and processed in the good ol’ US of A, these blasts of starch will change your color, and your demeanor, but never your level of wellness.

So, if you're interested, register here and join in on the fun! 
And if you haven't seen the "Now" video, here you go:

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