
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

New Teaser: #TheSpotlightisOn 7/17/13

Edward and I spent my time apart writing letters to each other. It helped to tell someone close to me how I was doing. I told him all about Bree and Bryce; Bree and I became a little closer after my mini-breakdown during my move in, but she still didn’t say why she was in treatment. I didn’t say why either. It wasn’t because I didn’t trust her, I just wasn’t comfortable with telling everyone my truth yet. Edward kept writing how much everyone back home missed me, he included. I missed him too, so much.
Jake’s presence in my mind was still everywhere. I could still feel his grip on my body from that night, trying to take control of me…
I couldn’t sleep most nights, and Bree had to lend me her IPod for a “Soft Music” playlist to help me. At least I didn’t wake up screaming anymore.
One Monday afternoon, after my therapy session with Bryce, I was walking around the building, when I discovered a baby grand, black piano in a bare white room. There were no other instruments other than the piano, which that made the room even more beautiful. It accentuated the piano even more, without the need for more instruments in the room. I glanced around the room and behind me to make sure no one saw me go in. I walked in tentatively and shut the door.
I slowly walked towards the edge piano chair, running my fingers against the smooth lid.
I’ve been having this song forming in my head since the day before, but I didn’t know how to form it properly without make it seem like I was crazy.

But I had to try.

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