
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Met Gala 2013 Recap

So last night was the Met Gala event in NYC, and I have to say it was pretty good. The theme was punk, and there were only a handful of people who stuck to the theme: Kristen Stewart, Madonna, Miley Cyrus, and Anne Hathaway.
And there were some hot messes like Kim Kardashian and her floral!
I understand she's pregnant and all, but that dress was a mess!
Beyonce didn't look so hot either, with those fiery boots!

But anyway, best of the night was Kristen. She totally got the theme down!
With her hair slicked back, burgundy jumpsuit, spiky heels, firey makeup that made her eyes pop,
She looked so good!

Also, people had been saying all week that Rob was going to go, but he didn't!
I told you, don't believe everything you read unless it's from RK themselves!

And Kristen wasn't wearing her special gold ring.
Mind you, I didn't even notice because I was so focused on her & her outfit.
So I don't think it matters.
We don't need a piece of jewelry to determine whether RK are together or not.
It's fine!

As long as she had a good time!

Ok I'm off! Peace!

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