
Sunday, May 5, 2013

Kristen Stewart's Vocabulary Guide for Dummies - @strictlyrobsten

"Ever notice how Kristen Stewart seems to have a higher vocabulary than most people you know? In many of her interviews, I’ve noticed Kristen uses words that make me go, “Wait, what does that mean?” I’m not saying that these words are words we haven’t heard before; I’m simply pointing out how Kristen’s diction is something we (the dummies of the world) might include in a college essay rather than for conversational use. Therefore, I have made Kristen Stewart’s Vocabulary Guide for Dummies in order to enhance our vocabulary! Each example will hold the higher vocabulary word used by Kristen, the definition, and the source of it in use. As you will see, her high vocabulary goes back many years. Man, our girl is SMART!" -Melissa of @strictlyrobsten

Our girl is smart! I've always knew what these words were, but never what they meant. Thanks for explaining, Kristen! :)

More on here:

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