
Friday, October 31, 2014

NEW/old fanpic of Rob at a Costume Store in NYC, Aug. 21, 2014


makeitinny: #Happy #halloween !:) meeting with world,s #mostfamous #vampire @ #Halloweenstore of all places :):) #Robertpattinson #twilightmovie #twilight #edwardcallen

NEW Rob interview with The Free Press (TIFF MTTS promo)

TORONTO -- For Robert Pattinson, working with a director like David Cronenberg is an emphatic departure from the Twilight world of brooding, sexy vampires.

But then again, the English actor's role in Maps to the Stars does represent a certain redundancy. He is again placed in a limousine, where he spent almost the entirety of Cronenberg's Cosmopolis as a billionaire financier on a slow road to ruin. This time, Pattinson is in the driver's seat as a Hollywood wannabe actor-screenwriter, who at one point is contemplating joining the Church of Scientology "as a career move."
The Free Press spoke with Pattinson about Round 2 with Cronenberg:

FP: So, again with the limo sex?
RP: Yeah, it's weird. Apparently, Cosmopolis was just the audition for this one. I'm thinking that's what I'm going to use as my head shot: me leaning out of the limo window.

FP: David Cronenberg likes to use certain actors, such as Viggo Mortensen and Jeremy Irons, more than once. Do you have to have a certain rapport to be a member of that club?
RP: I think it was just luck at the beginning. I really get on with him. He's a really nice person, and he's fun to be around. I did consider that he likes to use the same cast for years and years, so that's my welfare cheque.

FP: It must be gratifying that he sees you playing roles as different as a solitary, somewhat unhinged
billionaire in Cosmopolis and as a hungry Hollywood wannabe in Maps to the Stars.
RP: Very different characters, yes, but both in limos and both in black suits. That's got to be the through line. I'm thinking in the next one, I'm going to be run over by a limo.

FP: You live in Los Angeles, so do you recognize the reality of this movie?
RP: Definitely. Some of the characters seem to be archetypes, but I've met a lot of them. I remember certain scenes, like the scenes with all the young actors when they're all bitching about each other. That really reminded me of when I first started coming to L.A., before camera phones, when you would go to nightclubs and there would be really famous 15-year-olds and you could see them openly drinking and it was so weird. There was like a different set of rules. But now it's not the same anymore, because kids in bars get found out immediately. But I remember coming from England and seeing that, because I was still not being let into clubs in England when I was 20 and here, there were kids drinking!

FP: Are you more comfortable in an ensemble as opposed to carrying the movie as in Cosmopolis?
RP: On something like this, there's obviously a lot less pressure, so I like it a lot. When you don't have to drive the movie forward, it's not as hard a decision to make.

via rplife 

Kristen to Attend the Hollywood Film Awards November 14

ET has just learned that Ben Affleck, Kristen Stewart, Robert Downey, Jr., Benedict Cumberbatch, Amy Adams, Jonah Hill and Keira Knightley have just been confirmed to attend the annual show, which will be broadcast for the first time on CBS this year. The star-studded event is considered to be the official launch of the Hollywood awards season.The Hollywood Film Awards will air live from the Hollywood Palladium on Friday, Nov. 14, 2014 at 8 p.m. ET on CBS, with a half-hour red carpet show airing at 7:30 p.m. 


The first clip was back in September.

So excited for this movie, but it'll make me really sad. :(

via kstewartfans

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

NEW fanpic of Hayley (October 28 2014)

Embedded image permalink

artoland: So...this just happened!! Eeek! :) After meeting with one of my brides today, Hayley Williams walks through the door! She was super sweet and even signed a little note for Jesse and I wishing us a happy 2 year anniversary! Thanks again @yelyahwilliams! #paramore #hayleywilliams #amazeballs


NEW Rob fanpic-- Chicago airport October 28

majodit: I just meet the most kindly guy @robert__pattisonoficial #RobertPattison #Lovely #Kindly


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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Teresa Palmer Mentions Kristen on Twitter

A lot of people think they look alike with blonde hair-- me too haha. I think it'd be cute if they did something together! :)


Kristen talks about Eddie Redmayne (Variety)


In Eddie Redmayne's Variety October 28 issue, Kristen talked about him:

Variety - Kristen Stewart, who co-starred with Redmayne in the 2008 indie “The Yellow Handkerchief,” says he thrives on taking risks. “We had a great time together,” Stewart says. “This is not a word I use a lot, but it describes him perfectly. He is a fucking lovely man. And he’s astounding as an actor. He’s the type of actor, and guy, you want to go on an adventure with.”

via itsoktobeyouorg 

'CLOUDS OF SILS MARIA' US Release Date: March 27, 2015!


Cool! Good news! :)

NEW Kristen Interview with Hello Magazine UK 
(October 27, 2014 issue)

Full transcript:

Half hour with... Kristen Stewart

A reluctant celebrity whose personal life attracts as many column inches as her professional one, the Twilight star talks of the rewards and pitfalls of fame.

She may be only 24, but Kristen Stewart already has the stellar CV of a Hollywood actress twice her age. After making her name in hit teen saga Twilight, she has since landed more grown-up roles. In the forthcoming Clouds of Sils Maria she plays the anxious personal assistant to an ageing actress played by Juliette Binoche, and in Still Alice she plays a daughter dealing with her mother's early-onset Alzheimer's.

Kristen given your own celebrity status, what perspective did you bring to your role in Clouds of Sils Maria?

Kristen: My character gets to say lines that are almost exactly how I feel about a lot of the nonsense that goes on in this business She also gets to criticize the way the press turns film-making and acting into a mass-consumption produc and superficial phenomenon, and it's a process I'm very familiar with. It was a lot of fun to say those things about the business.

Did it feel odd playing an assistant when you yourself have had assistants?

Kristen: I've had an assistant but I've never gotten into a co-dependent relationship the way my character and Juliette's do. I can understand how that comes about because being famour can be very isolating - people stop treating you in a normal way. In this story it was interesting to explore how the dynamic between these two women becomes more intense as they get to know each other better. An assistant has a difficult role to fulfil. You're not a mother, sister of even a friend, but in some ways you're all of those things mixed up together.

When filming, did you get feelings of déjà vu?

Kristen: I had to rein in the grin on my face [in a scene where a young actress is caught behaving badly by a news show]. I also had to make sure my cheeks weren't turning red when I said some of my lines because the way that I'm living gave them an irony.

The film shows how dangerous it can be when one's identity is defined by fame. How do you separate yourself from the business?

Kristen: It's part of my life and I enjoy the work so I don't think in those terms. I'm always working on something. When I finish a project I'm already thinking about the new one or reading scripts. I also enjoy writing, particularly poetry, which I'll sometimes read to friends. I'm shy and it's often easier to express myself through writing. I also read a lot of literature and I like it when people take the time to talk about a book. Sharing your love of a book can be a good way of connecting ot another person. Those stories then become even more special.

How do you react to press stories about you?

Kristen: I try not to get upset because it's simply the way the media operates. But people should understand that often the stories have very little truth to them. People have no idea what's really going on inside someone else's life. It's also very rare that things are black or white. The truth is often complicated.

So is it better just to ignore the gossip?

Kristen: It's usually a losing battle to get involved with that. All you're going is adding to the bullshit even when you're trying to be honest. And when you're dealing with something like a break-up, usually you're only going to make things worse and keep the story going.

Just like I've never planned out my career in a specific way. I don't try to control the perception of me or make people think a certain way about me. I don't know how they choose: "Well, this is a different side of me people have not seen and so I will present that to them now." It's like: "Why are you doing this for other people? You should be doing it for yourself." I've functionned from that position sice I started, and therefore I really don't care about all that.

In what ways has success changed you?

Kristen: I don't feel any different from the girl I was before I became famour. It's hard to analyse it and compare how my life would have been if Twilight hadn't happened. Although, when I look at where I am, I can at least say I'm pretty happy with how far I've come.

You're also appearing in a film with Julianne Moore called Still Alice. Tell us about that...

Kristen: It was a very rewarding experience. Julianne Moore has been a huge inspiration for me. This film made me reflect on many things - the relationship between a mother and daughter, the importance of memory and how valuable our memories are to us. Also, it was the kind of story that made me think how lucky I am to feel happy.

Juliette Binoche talks about Kristen and the Lake Scene in CLOUDS OF SILS MARIA

Vulture - Your Clouds of Sils Maria co-star Kristen Stewart said that you wouldn’t say 

something as simple as, “I’m hungry,” that you would be like, “I have this deep need,” instead.

Juliette: [Laughs.] I can say, “I’m hungry!” I can say it right now! I’m hungry! Actually, right now,

 I’m hungry! [Laughs.]

Q: Well, you were the one naked and comfortable in Clouds, while Kristen kept her undies on 

and was uncomfortable, for the skinny-dipping scene…

Juliette: To show your body has to be a gift. It’s not easy. It takes a lot, in a way, but you have to be 

ready to surpass that when you’re an actor, because it’s not about you. It’s about someone else, which

 makes it stronger and more beautiful. For me, for that scene, because my character was going 

through an honesty, an inside nakedness, I couldn’t see myself holding back. She has to go in naked! 

So even though the water was cold — so cold! — the jump has to be without thinking. And it could 

also be because I’m older and there’s a freedom that comes with maturity, you know? We forget. We 

forget about that. We always talk about, “Poor us, we’re getting old,” but actually, we’re gaining 

something. We don’t focus on that. And I think that should be talked about in feminine magazines! 


via itsoktobeyouorg 

Saturday, October 25, 2014

NEW/Old HQ/Untagged Photos of Rob at THE ROVER (Cannes Promo)

The Rover promo

