
New Hayley Williams Interview with Nylon

There are a billion reasons why we heart Hayley Williams, but the most obvious one? When we called her last week, the Paramore frontwoman had woken up just a few minutes earlier–but despite having performed the night before, running around the stage and belting out “Ain’t It Fun” to a sold-out crowd, the singer was totally energetic, kind, and exactly as awesome as you’d expect (even pre-coffee). The band is currently in the first legs of a massive nationwide tour with Fall Out Boy, and we got the lowdown from Williams on life on the road, her Game of Thrones addiction…and her hair dye line! Because yes, that’s totally happening. So get excited and read our exclusive interview below.
Hey Hayley! Where in the world are you right now? 
I just woke up! We’re in the Philly/Camden area. We have a show here tomorrow and have a day off, so we’re hoping to go get some food and then maybe go to a movie.
How’s the tour going?
It’s been so awesome; I’m loving it already. It’s the type of thing that’s so perfect, I’m wondering why we didn’t do this tour so long ago. Fall Out Boy fans and Paramore fans are just both so incredible, and it’s amazing being onstage and looking out at the crowds. It’s this mixture that’s, like, the perfect storm.
I bet. Both of your fan groups so passionate. 
Yeah, and I think at least part of it is because both of our bands came from the same world and the same scene. Everyone’s around the same age, so it’s been a cool collaborative thing–it’s not the world where there are feuds between the fan groups. This tour has been so great, and it’s really just about two bands that have grown up together.
What have you guys been doing when you’re not onstage?
We’ve been watching Game of Thrones–like, a lot of it–I’ve never seen it before! So we’ve just been storming through those episodes so fast and all getting together at the end of the night and eating dinner and watching Game of Thrones. [Laughs] That’s one of the best parts about being on tour, being surrounded by all of your best friends.
I know it’s hard to play favorites, but do you have a city you just love coming back to?
You’re right, we don’t really play favorites…but we kind of do. We just have so much history and a kind of nostalgia that takes over, so it’s hard not to! We love New York and New Jersey and Philly, and when we play anywhere around LA or Anaheim the crowds are always so great. We’ve actually kept in touch with those people who have come to the first shows…they’re our friends by now. Except now they come and they’ve graduated from college and have jobs and are covered in tattoos. It’s awesome. [Laughs] 
We have to talk about your new blue hair! What prompted the change?
Oh man. I  get bored so easily, and I’m kind of schizo when it comes to hair. My friend Brian has been responsible for almost every hairstyle I’ve had. Usually when we’re bored we just talk about what we want to do, then we go for it. We were like, “We’ve never done turquoise before…let’s go for it!” It was sort of a rigorous process.
I bet. I remember when you wrote The Checklist for us, you mentioned a hair dye line might be in the works.What’s the update? 
Yeah, I’m actually working on my own hair dye line in the future, and it’s happening! It feels so good to say that it’s on– we’ve already got the name and the basic mission. I’m sort of drooling over it, and I can’t wait to show people. Obviously I’m not going to put out anything that I don’t believe in or that I don’t wear myself. I can put it in my own hair and be like, “Look, I love this so much that I’m wearing it myself!” The colors are wild and awesome. I really can’t wait to paint everyone’s hair in the whole world.

New/Old BTS Photo of Kristen and Rob in ECLIPSE #4YearsofEclipse

It's the 4th anniversary of the release of the movie The Twilight Saga: Eclipse and to celebrate, director David Slade tweeted some new/old behind-the-scenes photos of Rob and Kristen:

Even though 'Eclipse' wasn't my favorite movie out of the five, I still appreciate everyone celebrating the anniversary.

Give David a shoutout on his Twitter here! Happy '4 Years of Eclipse'!

Olivier Assayas Mentions Kristen in 'Latercera' #CLOUDSOFSILSMARIA


"I wanted to work with Kristen Stewart. I've always liked what she does, and when I met her I felt a very strong prescense," he recognizes. "When I proposed to her the part, I thought she wouldn't do it and that it would be delicate for someone so popular. The movie talks about just that, the culture of the celebrities. But it was the opposite, I think she liked the idea of the perspective," he adds.

He also ensures it didn't even crossed his mind that her prescense could distract from the real focus of the movie. "[In this movie] she's so different than what we always see of her in Hollywood. She [Stewart] is an impressive actress and I was lucky to have done a movie with her in this moment of her career. It's beautiful seeing an actress say 'Can I try this or that, Is this allowed'."


Pre-Order THE ROVER on DVD and Blu-Ray at Wal-Mart Sept. 23

According to Wal-Mart, you can now pre-order THE ROVER on DVD and Blu-Ray on September 23.


New Selfie of Kristen with her dog Cole, Flaunt Magazine's "Selfie Issue"


The Selfie Issue"Flaunt celebrates its 15th year as an independent fashion art culture magazine with The Selfie Issue, a print and digital project for which we’ve collected nearly 1,000 exclusive selfies submitted by Flaunt’s long list of friends, fans, and collaborators."


New Rob Interview with Phillippine Daily Inquirer

 “I’m always trying to figure out how… but it’s quite difficult,” replied the actor, looking boyish with his short haircut, dark pants, black jacket over a brown shirt and white tee. Laughing, the 28-year-old Robert said, “I want to do it before I’m 30 because I think it gets slightly embarrassing after [that].”

Robert revealed that, originally, he was to sing along to The Pussycat Dolls’ “Don’t Cha.” (That would have been a hoot, too.) “But David e-mailed me that Keri Hilson song,” he said. “I thought it was a new song. I didn’t realize it had like 500 million (actually 48 million plus) views on YouTube.”

He explained, “Initially, David was saying that he wanted me to sing it like it was my favorite song—loudly in the car. Luckily, it didn’t end up that way. That would have been a bit too random. But the song is perfect in the movie.”

In “The Rover’s” post-apocalyptic world set in Australia’s Outback, Robert’s Rey and Guy Pearce’s Eric make an unlikely pair hunting for a stolen car. “It’s strange because people are interpreting the movie as being really bleak,”countered the London native. “But [I’m playing a] character who has no memory of what happened before. He’s relatively at ease. It was a really fun part. I wasn’t thinking about it [as] bleak.”

In that context, Robert expressed an optimistic view of humankind despite the film’s desolate, barren landscape that doesn’t seem to offer any hope. “I think humanity [stays] pretty much the same, generation after generation,” the erstwhile “Twilight” star declared. “Everybody thinks the world is going to sh*t all the time.”

Laughing again, Robert stressed, “It ends up being all right. I think that, essentially, humans are pretty good.”

With his character seemingly in danger of being killed any minute, Robert was asked what he would do if he had only a day to live. “I guess I should say, ‘I would hang out with all the people I love.’ But probably, I [would] just want to go crazy.”

Like, do what crazy stuff? “God, I don’t know,” he said with a grin. “I might like to just walk around the Times Square naked or something.”

Dealing with anxiety

Wouldn’t he be scared to have kids if the future was as grim as presented in the crime-drama? “I will definitely bring kids [into the world] or maybe I’m just ignorant,” he answered. “I do live a very specific kind of life.” Chuckling yet again, he quipped, “I can just stay in my swimming pool all day.”

Asked how he deals with anxiety, Robert’s reply was still humorous: “I would love to go into therapy but it makes me too anxious.”

He elaborated, turning just a bit serious: “I have talked to a lot of people about it. I like my anxiety in a funny way. I like my peaks and troughs. I used to get such crippling anxiety before auditions that, every time I did, I’d want to quit acting after. So it would be physically painful.

“The audition process (for this movie) was so long. It was like a four-hour audition. For the first 45 minutes of walking into almost any room, I had to deal with my own neuroses before I could do any kind of acting. I think David recognized that. If you let yourself calm down, then you’re fine afterward.”

Discussing his bouts with depression, Robert shifted back to a laughing mode as he cracked, “I have to wallow in it. Luckily, it never lasts that long. That’s the good thing about being manic.”

He squashed the buzz that he’s going to be the next Indiana Jones. “I [notice that] every few months, someone comes up with a story specifically with the intention of having 50 bad replies on Twitter. All these people saying, ‘Robert is ruining my dreams’ (laughing). I didn’t even know they were rebooting ‘Indiana Jones’ until someone asked me about it.”

He continued: “I’m always a bit wary of stepping into the shoes of an already established character. It’s scary, especially because you’re already fighting so many expectations before you even start doing the job. That’s the thing with franchises. You have to commit 100 percent. If you’re in a five-movie series, you can get so down afterward.”

With “Twilight,” he said, after reading the first three books, “I had an idea of what I wanted to do. I had never experienced being in a series. It’s a massive undertaking. It’s nothing like doing an indie for two months. It’s completely different.”
He stressed that he “looks at everything,” including potential franchise projects. “I wouldn’t have any problems playing a vampire again,” he said.

“I’ve never really been one of those actors who are thought of for superhero parts,” he volunteered. “I’m open to absolutely everything. Most of the jobs I do, I never saw them coming. Like with ‘The Rover,’ I was not at all like, ‘Oh, I want to play this specific character.”

Maybe comedy

The actor, who also top-bills David Cronenberg’s “Maps to the Stars,” explained what he looks for in scripts that come his way.“I don’t really [regard] it from the perspective of the stories; it’s really more of the character stuff. I never really look at a script as a whole. I’m doing this movie (‘Idol’s Eye’) with Olivier Assayas at the end of the year. It’s a big ensemble thing. But I know exactly what my character’s about. There is something specific about it. It’s new, especially in a gangster movie. It’s an interesting take on a criminal’s psychology.”

He never considers projects in terms of genre. “But I’d like to do a comedy at some point. But it’s that vague—I’m not really seeking stuff out.” He’d be perfect in a comedy, based on the humor and charm he exhibits at interviews.

This Brit, who admitted that he’s grown to really like LA, said with a chuckle again, “Most of the directors I’m working with are basically people I loved when I was 17. I still watch the same movies but I also watch a ton of stuff that’s for work, or for enjoyment. I watched ‘Last Vegas’ the other day. I thought it was amazing. I was crying my eyes out. ‘The Lego Movie’ is my favorite movie of the year.”

On the fun perks of fame, Robert remarked, “Meeting people—it’s so crazy sometimes. I was in London recently and in some place, David Beckham walked through. He was like, ‘Hey, man!’ It was so crazy. I am still like a little child in terms of that.”

He fully knows how blessed he has been. “I am extremely lucky, which always makes me a little bit nervous,” he commented. “I don’t quite know why I got so lucky. It’s just ridiculous. I’m pretty happy.”


Sunday, June 29, 2014

New Rob Interview with Manila Bulletin (with 2 new pics)

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“I have literally not taken off this jacket in weeks,” the 28-year-old Robert Pattinson told us when we interviewed him for his latest movie, “The Rover.”
Wearing a simple blue jacket, shirt and pants, the “Twilight” superstar explained that somebody stole his clothes. “It doesn’t make any sense to me,” he said. “Did you ever see that episode of ‘South Park’ about these underpants gnomes that steal your underpants? I think I got it. So I just started wearing the same thing pretty much every day, like a uniform.”
He admitted that he has no idea where his clothes are. “I’m sure they’re in some kind of random storage box somewhere… I know that is totally ridiculous but I couldn’t find any of them.”
Since he has been making movies in diverse locations since “Twilight,” the British actor revealed that he calls LA home – at least, for now.
Curiously, however, Robert informed us that he sold his house in LA “I suddenly realized I am not quite old enough to be dealing with the plumbing and stuff.”
We asked him if he’s homeless and he said, “I am not quite. I spend about six months borrowing other people’s houses, which were nice.”
It’s been two years after all the insanity and craziness of “Twilight” and Robert shared, “It feels like it’s longer, to be honest… it’s all just been a gradual progression. I think, as you get older, like every movie you do you get a little bit more confident…”
He added, “I’m curious how people receive the new stuff I’m doing because it’s kind of, you know, I do quite abstract films. So I am curious how people who like ‘Twilight’ will come to see things like ‘The Rover.’ Hopefully, they’ll enjoy it.”
Asked whether it became a nice escape for him to be filming “Rover” in Australia without “Twilight” fans wandering around, Robert replied, “It was definitely a really nice escape… I loved it because not only were there no people trying to find you, there’s no one at all. So it’s just much easier to concentrate. So I found it incredibly peaceful and relaxing.”
Robert is also appearing in “Maps To The Stars.” He explained his role in the said movie, “My role (in it) is a kind of cipher for Bruce Wagner who wrote it and because he used to be a limo driver in LA. He wrote a lot of stuff and got many of his ideas from that so he is the one vaguely normal person in ‘Maps to the Stars’ but he’s kind of a little bit opportunistic. He is a wannabe actor and writer but probably not that talented. He’s like a hustler in LA.”
On choosing roles, Robert said, “50 percent is about being able to work with directors I admire. I think about that a lot but I find it more comfortable to do small roles if I am choosing something for its director. But if you are doing a lead, I try to do something, which I think will precipitate into my normal life.
“I want to do something which I feel (is) totally impossible for me to do. I think it will make me a bigger person in my real life afterwards. I kind of try to do that.” 

Friday, June 27, 2014

New Rob Interview with Detroit News

 “I generally don’t get picked for these parts,” Pattinson admits on the phone from L.A. “There’s about five actors who seem to have a lock on the weirdos. I’ve never really been perceived to be one of them — up until now maybe.”

How badly did Pattinson want the part? He auditioned for it. Twice.

Understand, this is a guy whose last movie, “Breaking Dawn — Part 2,” earned $829 million worldwide.

But he understood the need for an audition.

“Well, it’s very different from who I am, personally. There’s no way of really proving that I could have done it by just talking about it,” he says. “It would have been a giant leap of faith.”

Pattinson, 28, saw the jittery, perpetually insecure Rey as a literal underdog.

“In a pack of dogs there’s always one who will completely accept the beta position,” he says.

To help him find the right mindset, director David Michod had Pattinson watch the documentary “Bully,” which follows the lives of kids who are constantly picked on. The actor understood right away.

“People have been accusing you of having something wrong with you for so long that you believe it,” he says. “No one’s expecting anything from you, you stop thinking, you’re a dependent. You don’t have any choice. Really, the only thing he feels is fear of everything.”

It helped that co-star Guy Pearce happens to be a fairly imposing presence.

“Guy’s just got this constant pressure on you in a scene. And he’s got such a singular focus that you kind of end up just falling to pieces,” 
Pattinson says. “It’s like you’ve got a laser beam on you.”

Pattinson certainly has experience with bright lights. Born and raised in London, he started working in amateur theater at age 15. An agent spotted him there and by 2005 he had landed a small part in “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.”

By 2008 he’d been chosen to play Edward Cullen in the “Twilight” series. Five movies and countless magazine and tabloid covers later, the franchise concluded last year with “Breaking Dawn — Part 2,” having earned more than $3.3 billion.

Pattinson has learned to adapt to the spotlight over the years, and he even ventures out into public on occasion these days.

“You sort of weigh up what you want your day to be. If you say my friends are going to a movie or whatever and if you go you’re probably going to get a bunch of photographs taken of you,” he says. “Sometimes you’re cool with it, other times I don’t want to be bothered to deal with the stress of it. But I’ve definitely figured out a more balanced way to live than four years ago.”

Along with celebrity, “Twilight” brought Pattinson high visibility within the film world, and he’s been working with some of the most respected people around. He did “Cosmopolis” with director David Cronenberg in 2012 and stars in Cronenberg’s upcoming “Maps to the Stars.” He’s playing T.E. Lawrence in director Werner Herzog’s “Queen of the Desert,” alongside Nicole Kidman and James Franco, and has “Idol’s Eye,” with Robert De Niro and Rachel Weisz, coming up.

Pattinson says “Twilight” probably gave him a boost with his peers, but he’s not sure how much of one. “Within the industry, lots of people I work with, none of them have seen ‘Twilight’ — but then Werner Herzog loves ‘Twilight’!” he says. “I think it’s helped me out in a lot of ways. You have to kind of figure out how to ride the wave afterward.”

And he wants to keep riding that wave, chasing the acting high.

“I guess I was a relatively shy person when I was younger. I still am kind of. It’s nice to challenge yourself, especially in big emotional scenes with a part you’re not capable of doing. To be able to challenge yourself in that way, it’s quite exhilarating,” Pattinson says.

“Especially when it goes right,” he adds. “It could be the worst thing ever.”

Paramore Visit Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

UPDATE- 7/10/14- 8:40 PM:
Watch a video of the band talking with the Ryan Seacrest Foundation about their visit to the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia below.

source via

First post: 6/27/14- 5:29 PM

So sweet!! Paramore visited the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia in Seacrest Studios earlier today. They did interviews, took photos with patients.

More photos can be found HERE from PmoreOnline.

source: pmoreonline

#MONUMENTOUR Update: Camden, NJ

Yay Paramore are in my homestate next for the MONUMENTOUR-- New Jersey!! Tonight is Camden, and tomorrow night is in Holmdel, NJ, which is the show I'm going to. So I will not be reporting for tomorrow's show. But here are some pics for Camden:

Fan Tailgate
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Live Photos
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source: paramorestudio

'Maps to the Stars' and 'The Rover' Both to Screen at the New Zealand International Film Festival

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Both The Rover & Maps To The Stars are screening at the festival. 

Here’s all the dates/times via the New Zealand International Film Festival website:

The Rover,  Auckland – click here to purchase tickets


Maps To The Stars, Auckland – click here to purchase tickets


The Rover, Wellington


Maps to the Stars, Wellington

MTTS Wellington

Thursday, June 26, 2014

#MONUMENTOUR Update: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Paramore [Hayley Williams, Jeremy Davis, Taylor York, Aaron Gillespie, Jon Howard, Justin York] continued their Monumentour tour in Toronto, Ontario, Canada at the Molson Canadian Amphitheatre. Check out some photos below:

Still Into You
That’s What You Get
For A Pessimist, I’m Pretty Optimistic
The Only Exception
Last Hope
Misery Business
Let The Flames Begin
Part II
Ain’t It Fun


Fan Tailgate

Live Photos

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source: theparamorearmy
Images by: laurenschroer, Jessika MacDonald, crystalyne, chloeelsayegh, courtneylansdowne, alisontel, Keanu Lasala, chelsea.marie, Majory Boivin,
Via: paramoremusicom

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